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Reduce the player count in high tier


Really, Gaijin should set the count of players above 9.0 to a max of 5 per side in Air RB. it's getting more and more chaotic. There is no strategy, no dogfight, just missiles coming from all sides. It's pure luck and the matches take 2-3 minutes. That may work in 1940 scenarios, but with 1970s jets it's getting more and more ridiculous. And it probably will be even worse with more all aspect missiles introduced into the game. Even the Sparrow spam is unbearable since the patch. The Mirage for instance is near useless now. You just managed to get the enemy in the right position for the Magics, boom, from out of nowhere came a sparrow... There are too many players on a too small map.


Edit: Sorry, wrong forum, should go to RB.

Edited by KillstealBot1000
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