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why my crews are locked??


i just finished a round. first plane crash into a building that doesnt exist ( at least, an unvisible wall. i checked replay, i was like 10m away from any building, expected to fly btw them, but just explosed instead) ..

then second plane, did 2 or 3 kills, then a guy killed me.

last plane, did 1 kill and fews sec after another one killed me....  i have NO BACK UP actived!!!

then i return to the garage : my first plane was locked for 5min.

i have NO CLUE what was my mistake. i have no clue why this game is punishing players for flying like a newblet and crash themself into building lol...

i have no idea and this is infuriating to no end!!!!!!

Edited by sosuke_aizen

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You were out to fast I think.


And check the server replay, not your local one. I guess the position there was different so you hit the building.

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20 hours ago, sosuke_aizen said:

i just finished a round. first plane crash into a building that doesnt exist ( at least, an unvisible wall. i checked replay, i was like 10m away from any building, expected to fly btw them, but just explosed instead) ..

then second plane, did 2 or 3 kills, then a guy killed me.

last plane, did 1 kill and fews sec after another one killed me....  i have NO BACK UP actived!!!

then i return to the garage : my first plane was locked for 5min.

i have NO CLUE what was my mistake. i have no clue why this game is punishing players for flying like a newblet and crash themself into building lol...

i have no idea and this is infuriating to no end!!!!!!

Let me guess you were playing on City and the game ended in like 3 minutes 

Edited by FailBoatCaptain
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2 hours ago, FailBoatCaptain said:

Let me guess you were playing on City and the game ended in like 3 minutes 

no it was an atoll map.

game was pretty normal, i mean none of the team won in 3min., just a standar round

22 hours ago, anyuser said:

You were out to fast I think.


And check the server replay, not your local one. I guess the position there was different so you hit the building.

ok thank you i didnt know about server replay :)

but still doesnt explain why my plane crew is locked lol

on this atoll map, there's 3 silo ... and a pretty conveniant place to fly btw them..... 

but it seems that u cant ^^


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