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(12.01.2022) Thermals can still be used in third person if the battery runs out fully and you do not leave the gunners sight

# I have:

# Game version

My game version: (

# Platform

Windows (non steam)

# Description

Thermals can still be used in third person despite the bug fix,

if the battery runs out fully and you do not leave the gunners sight you can still use thermals with no battery, you can then go into third person and still have thermals you can then restart your engine and your keep theird person thermals


# Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. go into battle

  2. go into gunners sight and turn on thermals

  3. turn off engine

  4. wait for timer to run out

  5. thermals will still be on

  6. enter third / chase camera

  7. restart engine

# Additional Information


BMP-2M https://warthunder.com/en/tournament/replay/7426990596307251

2A6 https://warthunder.com/en/tournament/replay/type/12653617901860886


# Affected vehicles

  • all tanks in theory, achieved on: BMP-2M, 2A6

# Files

You must attach these files:


https://warthunder.com/en/tournament/replay/7426990596307251 replay link


edit: watching the server replay it does not show up in it

edit 2: it is unreliable, it worked in that match many times but i can not replicate

edit 3: i have replicated the issue

edit 4: added screenshots using ingame screenshot tool


DxDiag.txt 2021_11_19_19_30_52__46232.clog

shot 2021.12.03 21.29.19 hires.jpg

shot 2021.12.03 21.29.18 hires.jpg

shot 2021.12.03 21.29.20.jpg

shot 2021.12.03 21.29.20.jpg

Edited by TheMemeThunder
Replicated, added ingame screenshots
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I cannot replicate this issue.


Can you please check if the bug still occurs?



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  • Game Master

This bug still exists, this screenshot was taken yesterday.eb5845931ecfe9c.jpg.02fbdef0558fc31ce11a

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  • Technical Moderator
On 07/01/2022 at 08:32, Monika_in_action said:

This bug still exists, this screenshot was taken yesterday. eb5845931ecfe9c.jpg.02fbdef0558fc31ce11a


Thanks. I will need the usual: .clog, how-to replicate (if it is different than already mentioned) and a video would be helpful :)



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33 minutes ago, Piciu713 said:


Exactly like this. Could you upload the .clog file from that session?



I can't upload it since I am a console player And this was a round not on my pc





Edited by Dontkev@psn
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  • Technical Moderator

Your information has been forwarded to the Developers. 

If there is anything further regarding this report a Technical Moderator will contact you.

Thank you again for your support.

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  • Piciu713 changed the title to (12.01.2022) Thermals can still be used in third person if the battery runs out fully and you do not leave the gunners sight
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