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Variety is the spice of life and we need more of that in the game.I am talking about more to do.About 2 years ago they added more light and medium ground targets to many maps and this was a good thing.Adding AI planes was also a good idea .It breaks up the game and is interesting. I think its time for bridges and trains and other ground targets . More fantasy city maps for air AB would be nice.The original map smugglers cove is a great map and still enjoyable.I have been playing off and on for 7 years and the game is still fun and I always come back.Just my opinion but I think there should be about 10 plane tiers , there were 20 when game started and the jets with props thing is annoying. I just dont have a line up that might have that happen to it.Problem solved.

medal medal medal medal

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I concur about bridges and trains being more targets. Bridges would add another great tactical opportunity, hit the bridges before enemy AA and Tanks get to it and keep them from progressing, making the kill a bit easier.

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