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7 hours ago, PLA19270801 said:

No, GAIJIN's military advisers are personally considered reliable. The reverse speed of the ZLT11 is also true when the new gearbox is not in use. But ZTZ96B and ZTZ99A are completely different, both using CH1000 and its variants. If the later tanks are not properly implemented, I will exit the game.

That is possible. They do not really pay a lot of time searching for different vehicles, especially if there are language barriers. And I suppose all players who researched China for the most modern vehicles need to be ready for that 

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2 hours ago, lmperator said:

那是可能的。 他们并没有花很多时间来寻找不同的车辆,尤其是在有语言障碍的情况下。 我想所有为最现代汽车研究中国的玩家都需要为此做好准备 


If so in the future, I will quit the game. Until they are implemented correctly. Or I'll quit forever.


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11轮这车 在军演的时候 俄军自己开过了 并且还驾驶了其他型号同底盘的车辆   我记得俄罗斯自己的红星也直播了这次军演  如果BVVD愿意 他可以看一下军演视频 甚至去访问一下开过这车的驾驶员  我认为想找到11轮这车的倒车数据对于gaijin来说不是什么难事 难就难在他愿不愿意这样做  96B当初可是开到俄罗斯家里面去比赛的 如果这都当做没看见 我作为中系玩家现在已经很失望了  中系光两个雷达AA的BUG就已经很久没有修复了 现在04A的红樱6导弹射程更是只有2.5km  

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