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[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings


 Finding myself quitting more and more games frustrated these days. Usually as a result of aircraft, or more precisely aircraft bombs. If I'm in my slow mid tier British tanks and a open map starts with no cover or anywhere to hide I just quit out. Yep, bad sportsmanship but it's less frustrating than hearing the ominous bomb whistle, then waiting helplessly for the inevitable boom that follows as the 40++ ton tanks is comically thrown across the map like a kids toy. 


 Even when I go SPAA out of desperation I find the SPAA's awkward and ineffective. I just bought a Slink and it looks good on paper but its guns overheat ridiculously quickly making tracking and engaging multiple targets hard.  SPAA's also have to contend with been next to useless at achieving objectives. Plus the tracer they throw up is a massive advert for any enemy planes or tanks in the area. 'come and kill me!' 


 It just seems to be a copy paste tactic for most RB pilots. Get a fighter bomber, fly high, look for a target, dive, release bombs, blow up target, climb out range and go and reload in a nice safe area. Repeat.



TheCheshireCat (Posted )

Merged with existing balance discussion thread
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Spawn in spaa or a fighter.  They are cheap to spawn and very effective.  That's why they are there.


Personally I don't use the skink, the crusader aa mk1 is better (20mm not enough range) but spaa is something you have to practice and learn to be effective. Can't just use it randomly and expect results.

Edited by Razielkaine
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I spawn in a fighter too, if I have one available. So far only the German Tech Tree has those ready for me. But I spawn in a fighter not only because the ground has become unbearable, but also because the map is crap or the BR is another +1.0 again. I then just circle around to see who I can catch off guard, instead of going back to hanger. It's sad, even if it is fun.

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While I agree it's probably too cheap to spawn in aircraft at the current moment, I think it's fair that regular tanks be vulnerable to CAS. AA have a job to do, just as Medium, Light, and Heavy tanks have their own. No tank should be good at everything, which is why I dislike the 2S38. CV 40mm at least have a limit on their elevation.


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Wyvern is blatantly misused as fighter with airspawn, killing all WW2 bombers or Srikers before the get the chance to drop bombs on something. XP50 should have been balanced long ago...

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ich fliege gerade mit der f104 in RB luftschlachten. ich fühle mich sowas von verarscht! dieses matchmaking ist doch echt das letzte! beinahe jede runde gehts gegen diese scheiß kommunistenflieger wie mig21 und sonstige schrottmühlen! meine raketen sind der letzte scheiß, ich habe keine gegenaßnahmen um raketen los zu werden, meine karre hat nen wendekreis wie nen scheiß planet und die eigentliche stärke (geschwindigkeit) meines fliegers kann ich nicht nutzten da die 10er flieger teils schneller sind als ich.


überarbeitet endlich euer scheiß matchmaking! es sei denn ihr wollt eure premflieger verkaufen, dann ist das machtmaking natürlich top, dann bleibt mir nur noch eins zu sagen, leckt mich am arsch! meine kohle bekommt ihr nicht!


so nachtrag: ca. 10 runden gespielt, ca. 100k silber verlorhen und nur kanonen/raketen futter für toptier spieler gewesen,... das game geht erstmal auf pause. gz scheiß Gaijin für dieses scheißt BR! habt ihr toll hinbekommen!

anermkung, ihr seid ne russenbadne und eure flieger sind natüüürlich die tollsten, aber das was ihr hier treibt ist doch scheiße ^10!

Edited by chaoswilly92

syndrome23 (Posted )

Please post only in English
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7 hours ago, _AlexV said:

M1A1 and IPM1 are still 10.7, I find thats ridiculous!

Both need to be moved to 11.0


You wanna bonk ? 

T-90A, 2S38 at 11.0 too ? 
T-72AV 10.7 when ? 

T-72B3 and T-80UK moving to 11.7 ? 



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9 hours ago, Whisky_077 said:

You wanna bonk ? 

T-90A, 2S38 at 11.0 too ? 
T-72AV 10.7 when ? 

T-72B3 and T-80UK moving to 11.7 ? 



I honestly agree with some of these


But the arietes should be moved to 11.0 and the AMV should be 11.3

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Still waiting for the Tornado Gr1 to come down to a more sensible BR. 11.3 is the same BR as Mig-23 and Even tornado F3. It just doesnt make any sense. Especially in SB where the Tornado Gr1 has a HIGHER BR than the Mig-23. 10.7-11.0 would be far more appropriate, especially in SB

Edited by Morvran_

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F-84 Thunderjet (7.7) with 12.7 Brownings vs supersonic Mig-21 with homing missiles.

Does the game have a game designer or someone who knows the words balance & matchmaking?

Edited by drea-ms
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I almost spaded the Rank I of the French bluewater navy yesterday and I have to say

at least in AB it was fine. 


so huh yeah, positive feedback here.

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6 hours ago, KilianL said:

I almost spaded the Rank I of the French bluewater navy yesterday and I have to say

at least in AB it was fine. 


so huh yeah, positive feedback here.

Not bad ships, dps means you need to be accurate but when you are you will get the job done. Took about 4 battles for tier 1 and almost researched tier 2 after a few more battles.  The low ship numbers will make low tiers pretty fast but higher tiers will slow down.

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Putting it out there to see if people agree with this


J8F should probably be reduced in BR whenever then next round of balance changes roll put.


I'll start about what I like about the plane, the Python 3s seem pretty potent this patch, and it seems like all missile are a bit less susceptible to being 1 flared by an afterburning jet in a straight line so far.


But decent IRs aren't enough for this thing to be competitive at 11.7 in Air rb, the flight performance just isn't there and it doesn't have SARHs which are really important for the fighter playstyle at top tier. I feel like 11.0-11.3 would be the right place to put it.

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Pantsir needs to be temporarily removed until all nations receive at least an equivalent. Non-Russian nations also need to receive CAS aircraft, or have Soviet CAS removed temporarily as well from GRB.

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i have a question of why does the PUMA APFSDS round pen more than the bushmaster II one, they are both 30x173mm NATO ammunition, and shouldn't the bushmaster get MK310 airburst rounds i found this file as a source to an article about this cannon that mentions its use on this cannon or at least the capability for such.

i here send both the link to the file and the file(that i believe are publicly available, if not i ask any modderator to remove this thread):



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Good evening all. 


I think the Battle Rating of the Italian Saetta should be reconsidered. After historically nerfing it's Sea Killer Mk.1 Missile the boat is all but incapable of scratching destroyers or the cruisers it faces. Furthermore, compared to its contemporary costal vessels it is completely outgunned. I think a battle rating similar to the USS Douglass would be fair as even the Douglass has heavier-hitting missiles and a large gun. 

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