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Mi emparejamiento


Hola, solo quiero saber si a ustedes tambien les pasa que su emparejamiento esta del orto yo apenas soy rango 3 y me meten con personas 2 o asta aveces 3 rangos mayores a mi y lo peor es que me tocan los peores equipos llevo mas de 30 batllas sin ganar seguidas no importa lo que haga no puedo mejor ni investigar por esa tonta razon en la ultima batalla no e podido bajar el 9000 de investigacion de un vehiculo algun consejo por eso?

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spawnkilling is allowed in the game . If you didn't kill it you aren't owed the kill 



medal medal medal medal medal

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Random squad mates are just that, random...Some are extremely good and others are smooth brains...You can turn off the random squad setting if you want and won't be paired with anyone...You can do nothing about the teams you spawn in with since it is based on the BR and not the tiers, pilot level or competency said pilots...I often see people who have brought a high level premium prop and only have reserves as the rest of their lineup...Nothing you can do about that...


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