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Why are there capture points in air battles?


because it's a capture the point game mode in a multi player arcade game? 


Looking for realism? Sim mode is over there ->

Edited by FailBoatCaptain
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My problem is with aerial capture points, I do not understand how to cap them. Sometimes I am flying straight in there with no enemy nearby and I cannot get the capture going at all. 

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44 minutes ago, qpranger said:

My problem is with aerial capture points, I do not understand how to cap them. Sometimes I am flying straight in there with no enemy nearby and I cannot get the capture going at all. 

The cap zone is actually a disk 4km tall floating 800m above the ground, so you can easily find yourself above or below it. If you're in the correct area the "A" under the tickets gets a white border. This is obviously not communicated well enough to players based on the behavior I see in these games.


If your entire team survives the merge, they'll tend to wind up chasing the few remaining enemies down to the deck. In that case, very early in the game, you can be utterly dominating and then suddenly lose because your successful team is below the cap while the enemy they've so effectively destroyed are respawning at an appropriate altitude. All it takes is one aware player to prevent this, so just posting "cap starts at 800m" in chat probably has a non-trivial effect on winrate.

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Air Doms are fabulous if you have just a single competent TM with you...You can kill everything spawning and cut the flow of new planes off while the rest of your team "caps" the zone...Except most of them are flying at about 40ft...But still, mass kills for free...


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