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The absolute lack of unlockable content for chinese vehicles (especially ground vehicles)


The title says it all. I'm fairly sure Chinese tanks are the only tanks without any unlockable camos aside from the basic desert and winter camo, while also lacking any unlockable decals. Everything for China is either paywalled for available for limited time, sometimes even both. I apologize if this sounds a bit ranty, and what I am about to say is purely subjective: this really feels like Gaijin doesn't give much care for the Chinese content, or they are just trying to milk the Chinese players, but either way it doesn't feel good. That's all I've got, and now that I've vented out my frustration it is time to return to the shrine of Chinese helis and offer some sacrifice so they come this patch.


(P.S I am currently working on a suggestion for new unlockable chinese decals, together with the color schemes, but that's probably not gonna be done till next year 'cause of busy schedules)

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