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Suggested details and improvements to War Thunder

31 minutes ago, richthofen122 said:

I know, but what if I have no access to the game? Then this info should also be on the wiki so that I can already plan the vehicle purchase in advance, for example. 

well, its a universal rule, Techtree Vehicles can research other vehicles most effectively one rank up or down, premium Vehicles can research one up and everything below.
its pretty much already on the wiki.

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On 22/10/2022 at 15:03, richthofen122 said:

Creating lineup presets/blueprints that can be quickly switched in between. Right now I have to remember in which crew slot vehicles X, Y and Z where in, and always rebuild the lineups or create a whole new preset.

Ever thought of naming the Presets?  You can make loads of them and easy to remember if you name them.

Edited by CoffeeBean100
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Universal Talismans if that is not a thing already. There are a few squadron vehicles I would like to go for in the future, but since I want to grind them, buying a dedicated Talisman this sale is not possible. I would have to have the vehicle unlocked and maybe also purchased already. 


With Universal Talismans I could buy a few and put then on whatever vehicle I want, whenever I want to.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 21/11/2022 at 05:30, _Sister said:

Considering that atleast one player manages to crater themselves on takeoff, in *every* RB match, I don't think we need to create more sacrifices for the snail by making it even more difficult for them.



IMO Best response so far.

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On 12/10/2022 at 16:35, WinstonWolfe said:

Bombers should have ammo status like tanks now.


Would be nice too, have kill cam for air RB.

Ammunition status for bomber gunners added

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On 13/10/2022 at 17:10, Schindibee said:

For aircraft, can you add the following please?

  • Runway lighting (at least on modern(ish) airfields)
  • Navaids and/or waypoints system
  • A way to see what mission bomb target is currently selected (e.g. highlighted in map, or ID number of mission target shown on map), especially necessary for Sim
  • Possibility to  configure if canopy is open or closed after spawning (as today one spawns, canopy opens, only to be the first thing to be closed again by the player in most cases)
  • Possibility to configure no delay between dropping of stores of same or dirrerent types
  • Rudymentary autopilot for aircraft with such systems (e.g. at least altitude and heading hold)
  • Realistic weapons ripple selection (quantity not just 2, 4, 8, 16, S, but at least in increments of 2 and ripple interval setting
  • Realistic jettison of stores and racks (so one can drop e.g. the drop tank / bomb carriers of Mirage/Milan, NOT the missiles!)

Updated with some of your suggestions :good:

Edited by _PanzerNinja_
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Whole list updated. Improvements separated between types: animations, visuals and details  / life improvements / gameplay .


I hope now it's easier to find specific informations. ;)

Edited by _PanzerNinja_
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On 18/10/2022 at 19:15, PenguinRed said:

All in all those are some nice ideas, the only thing that really ircks me is the title of this thread. I know its very minor but it just sounds very demanding instead of "it would be nice to have" which it mainly is.

Title changed to more neutral :salute:

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Unlockable rare vehicle test drives. Like for example a 1 day IS-7 test drive that does not expire until used. Could be added to the WB shop, Battle trophy, BP. That way, players who missed out on a vehicle are allowed to experience it, without destabilizing the market in the process.


You folks now me, I want 'em permanently, but this suggestion here would be atleast a small relief. Why should only Content Creators get test drives?

Edited by richthofen122
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2 hours ago, richthofen122 said:

Unlockable rare vehicle test drives. Like for example a 1 day IS-7 test drive that does not expire until used. Could be added to the WB shop, Battle trophy, BP. That way, players who missed out on a vehicle are allowed to experience it, without destabilizing the market in the process.


You folks now me, I want 'em permanently, but this suggestion here would be atleast a small relief. Why should only Content Creators get test drives?

Warbound shop test-drives including rare / event vehicles added

4 minutes ago, sgtlongbow said:

bullets holes in glass of cockpits and cracks. ejection seats with animations.

Bullet holes and cracks in cockpit glass after being hit added to the list

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2 hours ago, J45_MSS said:

Fixing some of the rack storage filling


Here couple pict of B1 bis 75mm


wiki racks.png

how about customizable racks like air has, let player decide were to put ammo.

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On 01/09/2022 at 22:46, kkang2828 said:



- Naval time(distance) fuze shells currently do not account for target movement when setting their fuzes. If the plane is coming towards you, the shells always explode behind it. If it’s flying away, the fuzes always activate before the shells get near the plane. This make them frustratingly inefficient, especially compared to proximity fuzed VT shells, not to mention being completely unrealistic. TF shells will always be less efficient than VT shells, but the difference shouldn’t be unrealistically huge as it currently is in-game. Fixing this would be a very nice QoL change. And I believe it has already been reported multiple times.


-Proper AP/SAP bomb mechanics


-Allow us to move torpedoes from one tube to another. Then we can fire the torpedoes on one side’s tubes, than reload them using the torpedoes from the other side’s tubes to fire again from the same side.


-Halved tool set and fire protection system costs for naval, just like ground


-Custom sight functionality for naval


-Ammo rack status(capacity, current number of shells) display in X-ray for ground.


Re-mentioning since they seem to be missed in the list. Also has post-match booster application, expanded map ban and dislike options, reworked and expanded personal stats, and in-battle torpedo settings adjustment been mentioned yet?


Finally naval aiming rework like this.

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