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What the heck is with the sudden rammer craze. In two games I have been rammed seven times. I guess it works to some degree, but I do get a lot of satisfaction when the rammer dies and I don't.

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2 hours ago, VT_88 said:

Schools out

All the children are playing

the think going head on is how you kill

Or chasing

then why are they ramming me from behind all the time . Is my booty that awesome?

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Most of my rammers come from the rear. Kinda silly really because by the time they get close enough my bombers have already done their damage and I get a kill. My favorite was rammer #1 set me on fire   and rammer #2 couldn't abort and rammed my already rammed bomber. Two kills ... thank you.

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What the children do is shoot and hit you, then ram you on purpose. When you crash, they get the kill.


However, they also loose their aircraft so it is a stupid tactic.


But what do you expect? It's the only way they can get a kill.

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what annoys me is when I get rammed ( sometimes 2 or three times ) when on a bombing run on some poor red ground targets , I don't get credit for killing them however when I eventually crash one of these no skill losers gets credit for 'killing' me 

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