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Teamwork is not rewarded enough.



Teamwork is not rewarded as much as individual attacks on enemies. This results in TKing and bad team play. The classic adage "teammates are just enemies in blue" mainly results from the fact that teammates are ,at best, apathetic towards their own team. 


An assist is less desirable than a kill (and for a lot of planes, doesn't even help them pay their repair cost), and players will be very frustrated and sometimes even driven to TK despite the rules. This can be seen exemplified in various forum posts.


Many players do not care whether a match is won or lost as long as they get one kill and survive the game. This means that players will often not attack enemies that are on their teammates' tail because it hurts their chances. It is a risky play and sadly, a low reward one.


Both of these result from teamwork and its results not being rewarded enough. The SL  reward for winning in many matches is less than the reward for a single kill. The same goes for the SL reward for an assist. 


If the SL reward for assists was raised to the same as that for kills (or better yet, if assists were done away with entirely and everyone got an "aircraft destroyed" reward when a plane was destroyed) then people would be more likely to work together on big targets and less likely to rage on the forums about "MUH KEEL STEELING".


If the SL reward for winning a match was raised to an overwhelming amount compared to kills, perhaps people would be more willing to play the objective and work together instead of working independently against separate enemies. 

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Whoops, wrong forum. Could a moderator kindly move this to air RB?

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, hunter4574761 said:

Since gaijin removed proximity score, teamwork is less and less considered I think. You get nothing even though you bait the enemy and help your enemy get easy kills.

This is related to air RB, but the same is still aplicacable for arcade too. The team work isn't award at all, specially at high battle ratings, where half the times you dont even a team mate, other it has only 1 plane and quites... the assist range for only 1km is good for 1.0 planes, but impraticable for jets, thats should be at least 2/3k.


The team work should be award as a teams, as a squad and so on

medal medal medal medal medal

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  • 1 month later...

Imagine Gaijin would make the events not mission score but win based. Pain in the **** if you solo, but it incentives teamwork. Als possible by increasing teamwork rewards, give a 5% score boost for people going into battle in a squad, or give a 2% bonus if you have at least one teamwork or support done in a match.


And objectives should be more important. Maybe not Pacific Base level of importance, but a team focusing on the mission should win. 

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