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Same Plane?


Was playin; a game today ,when someone commented that a Player was Cheating 'cause he kept comming out in the same plane. I watched the replay after the Match and Sure enough, this Player kept comming out in the Israeli S-199....5 Times? How?.... Only 1 plus a backup per Game...these's no other variant and you can't buy a plane more than once...can you?....if you could do that wall to wall FW190'sA4's...interesting


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The S-199 is the first plane usable in the Israeli Air TT and can be used 3 times just like the reserve vehicles in other TT's so it would a total of 4 times it can be used afaik (3 times + 1 backup)

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You might want to add, that this is a change, that was done recently to the S.199. Before that change, the plane was only able to spawn one time (or 2 times).

Before that fresh ISR players where a burden to a team, except they did very well with the S.199.

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I always had 3 respawns with the S.199 since the inception of hte tree.


Similarly I think the Swedish premium J29 gets 3 respawns too - or it did for a long time after the tree was made public.

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