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3 crits and no kill?


2 hours ago, cashmeowsidehbd said:

How on earth can i get three crits on a P-26 and not shoot it down? The dang thing isn't BIG enough to take three crits!

Could have been 2 flaps and a landing gear for all we know, that won't kill a plane.

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16 hours ago, Razielkaine said:

Could have been 2 flaps and a landing gear for all we know, that won't kill a plane.

that's kind of my point. How the hell does someone get so damn unlucky? Three on a P-26 that didn't hit a damn thing worth hitting is pretty bad luck.

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7 minutes ago, cashmeowsidehbd said:

How the hell does someone get so damn unlucky?

Spray n pray with wing mounted guns outside of the set gun target range at long range with guns that got a higher natural spray from an direction a small target does show the smallest possible crosssection?

Even just some of those are enough.

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On 24/08/2022 at 17:09, cashmeowsidehbd said:

How on earth can i get three crits on a P-26 and not shoot it down? The dang thing isn't BIG enough to take three crits!

is it the same one that fail squadded into the 4.0 game I was in and took a 37mm air round to the face and didn't die? 

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3 hours ago, FailBoatCaptain said:

is it the same one that fail squadded into the 4.0 game I was in and took a 37mm air round to the face and didn't die? 



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