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Air targets killed, problem with the counting



I've noticed that, since a while, the counting of my kills is behaving strangely.

e.g.: Player statistics: air targets destroyed 7

        My results: air targets destroyed 3

It happens too often to be a coincidence.

Is this a bug or somewhat?516685585_Schermopname(1211).png.f39c966 691659390_Schermopname(1212).png.da7902b

Switched the numbers 7 and 3...

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All Ground Strike maps got AI-attacker planes (IL-2, SB2C, F-84...)

When you are close to them, they don't got a player name but just the aircraft type.


They do ground attack runs and kill off your ground units, eating away your tickets, while it cost the enemy tickets if you kill them. They replaced the ai remote self destruction.

Because they are no players, they don't count to your kill statistics.

But they are easy targets and give XP and SL. At last as long as you don't get to close. They might have level 0 crews with level 0 gunners. Those gunners can still hit and kill you, when you are in shooting range.


You can always check your battle log.

Edited by anyuser
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 Also, while AI plane kills are not counted in battle stats, the shared AI kills are. I think it would be nice to Gaijin separate PvP and AI kills completely. It is not impossible thing to do. It would be even nicer bonus if PvP kill count can be painted on the plane. I used digits on each plane until Gaijin removed/reset all digits and they were lost.

Edited by AmigaForever

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