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AI units killing players too easily in AB with recent changes? (feedback and plea)


The Anti-Air-AI in all forms of ground units has had changes lately that a few of us have really noticed.
Here are some of the changes/problems with them currently that are of note:

-AAA of all kinds (any AI unit that shoots at players) easily get a kill when close to them if not serious damage
-What used to turn your plane yellow if you flew near one in a straight line (shame on you, keep moving!) is not a red/black or kill.
-Fighters who bomb (for example USA at 4.0-5.0 BR has many options for bombs and rockets) now easily can lose planes without a player in sight
-The maps with more ground units now make dogfighting over them feel much more like fighting over enemies Airfield.
-The lack of understanding by the general players that you need to kill Ground Units isn't improving as they learn, now they are avoiding ground units over
-New players who aim to gain control and practice that focus on non-moving ground units now get shredded in 1-2 passes
-The AI STEAL KILLS - meaning they erase the assist from players who have hit and crit them and are going around to finish off (this means awards are not earned too - making solo and team play worse).
-Base bombing by bombers/strike aircraft often yield more points overall to them, often discouraging many from wasting big bombs to get 1-2 ground units. The current setting of the AI shooting aircraft is punishing fighters/strike/bombers with rockets or guns. This just burns our planes out as a result, often in a way where we can't easily dodge 4-5- shooting at one time.
-More often than not the AI will finish off players instead of just damaging or hindering them; before we would go yellow overall and our turning was then limited. Now we die or get so messed up we nose dive.
-ALL MAPS are now seemingly equal and not just some maps or certain locations (like the enemy airfield) with AI being this OP.
-ALL BR are seeing the increase, at least from 1.7 through the other prop tiers up to 6.3. I do not often play jets or focus ground when I do there, maybe someone else could speak to the higher BRs...

With the current settings it will slow the growth of new players and current players that still don't understand that ground units are an objective and that is how one side helps shift the score in their favor. The current players who do swing over for casual ground units or the dedicated ground unit killer are both punished now for getting near any Ai that can shoot them. There is no difference between good or bad players, just if you want to risk damage or trade a plane for some ground units. I think they have been overturned for the lower BRs/Tiers. New players I have grouped with will avoid the AAA and other grounds units or die to them and so will my lvl100 friends now unless forcing the matter. Which, of course hinders team play and solo play when you are out of planes quickly or your fresh spawn can't even get it's rockets out due to the spread and firepower of them. 

If we objectively look at the scoreboard, ground units are often not spread evenly or even in medium sized chunks throughout a team usually. Often it is 1-3 players on either side (sometimes none per side) who focus on ground units to progress the game while others defend/dogfight. To punish everyone I get, but to punish those players who try to play the game for the win bonus too, they are punished more. I am not sure why having to do it in more time and with more planes is necessary for the player, or that we might be forced to use different playstyles like using bombers and strike at altitude only for ground units - which in that case give way more points as a 1000kg bomb on a base isn't the same as hitting 2 ground units that are spread out just enough. That makes no sense, so just revert the changes to as it was is the most logical and easy fix. That or not overturning them and finding a more happy balance.

Plea: Please put it back. Please. They are a little OP for the OP event.. I hope that is the joke? haha. Good one.. please can you adjust it or revert the changes?

Thanks. Kisses.


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I don't think anything has changed. I have seen nothing.


Most likely your game play style has changed.


If there are no allies pounding ground or no one else near by, ALL AI AA units will shoot at you.




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Some maps always had a better AA, some worse. Mostly because of positioning and ammount. But the AAA trucks based on player vehicles can be a pain too now.


Don't see any changes how often or hard they hit. But it is always about the map.

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On 04/10/2022 at 13:33, anyuser said:

Some maps always had a better AA, some worse. Mostly because of positioning and ammount. But the AAA trucks based on player vehicles can be a pain too now.


Don't see any changes how often or hard they hit. But it is always about the map.

So there has been seemingly no offical update, but for sure the AAA is more powerful. What used to be on some maps are now on all. The AAA used to tag you and slow you down, now it crits or finishes you off. That didn't used to happen except for some on some maps. 

The map seems not to matter as much anymore (why I made the post) but you are right in that some maps had POWERFUL AAA and others had the standard ones that were moreless just ground units. 

Edited by BeardslyFlys

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On 29/09/2022 at 14:48, VT_88 said:

I don't think anything has changed. I have seen nothing.


Most likely your game play style has changed.


If there are no allies pounding ground or no one else near by, ALL AI AA units will shoot at you.




This is just not true. I am sorry you think it must be just me and my playstyle since "you have seen nothing" including my playstyle *kisses*
I agree, I have seen no updates on the channel logs. 
There HAS been changes both on how accurate they hit and how hard they hit.
Something was tweaked, like it or not, and some of us are in the NOT category. 
Watch and see that on a normal Air AB match, someone will go down, if not 3-4 players now, by the AI.
It is not about being alone with 10 AAA to target just you and you should know better - the AAA slaps now and it hurts regardless the situation.

2+ years of grinding (too) hard form 1-100 with mainly learning through Thunderer with 60k+ ground units mainly at 3.0-5.0. I did this mainly until I could get comfy killing other planes and often toggle back to my lineups to do so again - I know my playstyle and I know the playstyle of the average player in the Middle or Lower scoreboard as a result, at least under Air AB 5.3 and lower. They get slapped as much as I do, if not more now as a result also, and it seems too overtuned at these BRs, in AirAB at least.

Likely your gameplay style doesn't see the changes since you likely don't play the objectives. If you don't play to attack or get near the enemy AI ground units, surely you haven't noted any differences. If you play Prop planes and get in there, maybe you would see it also, but who am I to call you out without any ideas at all about you, eh? 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 08/10/2022 at 01:56, AmigaForever said:

Field AA is buffed ridiculously

It's all AAA, I am getting nuked by those AAA that surrounds pillboxes now 


Every map that has AAA is now the same as foothills 

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Last night since I am not doing battle pass, I decided to do some spading in the Swedish/Finnish tech tree, so I tossed together a 1.3 lineup. HOLY ****ING NUTBALLS the AI AAA is God tier. 

I was getting pasted in my S17BS by laser accurate one-shot AAA trying to spade that thing. If that's *my* experience with my 20something thousand games,  I wonder what some new player getting into the game feels playing his new shiny bomber/attacker and getting mauled by AAA trying to do the one thing he can do (no bases in low tier maps)


Bravo, whoever at Gaijin thought that was a good idea mixing god tier AI and flimsy slow planes, Bravo 


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5 minutes ago, FailBoatCaptain said:

Last night since I am not doing battle pass, I decided to do some spading in the Swedish/Finnish tech tree, so I tossed together a 1.3 lineup. HOLY ****ING NUTBALLS the AI AAA is God tier. 

I was getting pasted in my S17BS by laser accurate one-shot AAA trying to spade that thing. If that's *my* experience with my 20something thousand games,  I wonder what some new player getting into the game feels playing his new shiny bomber/attacker and getting mauled by AAA trying to do the one thing he can do (no bases in low tier maps)


Bravo, whoever at Gaijin thought that was a good idea mixing god tier AI and flimsy slow planes, Bravo 


Its same in RB and SB. Lone Gepard in convoy kills you at 4km going mach 1 with first bullet from its burst.

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The AAA is such garbage...gaijin just rckts everything they touch...Please sell this game to someone who would actually give a damn about the player base since you most certainly do not...Completely fed up with this way you jerks have destroyed any fun with your ridiculous AAA that reaches all over the maps...Just a S**thole product now...Thanks so much...

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  • 2 weeks later...

They made the grind harder.  The AA kills me fairly often now.


What I hate is is when you clear the sky and no enemy is around. Then you have to constantly dodge the AA like there is someone on your arse. 


I would say every two or three games I have to return to base for repair because of damage by AA. Sometimes I can't get to the battlefield without being damaged.



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the more I play this new 'buffed' AAA tthe more I think Gaijin is deliberately destroying this game mode.   

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i've been playing lower tier bombing missions lately, just from boredom, and i'm getting shot down more by AI AAA than red players! What the hell? I can't even shoot back! How is that right?

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The AA is ridiculous right now. I do think it used to be slightly too easy and but this is insane. If they don't nerf the AA then they need to dramatically increase the value of ground kills or decrease aircraft spawn/repair cost. Personally I would prefer a mix of all 3. Tone it down slightly,  really increase kill value and some decrease in repair cost.

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I think there is a bug.


Has anyone ever notice AA rounds whizzing past you on your own airfield?


I hear my own AA shooting at me all the time when there are no enemy around.


I wonder if your own AA is shooting you down?

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9 hours ago, VT_88 said:

I think there is a bug.


Has anyone ever notice AA rounds whizzing past you on your own airfield?


I hear my own AA shooting at me all the time when there are no enemy around.


I wonder if your own AA is shooting you down?

yes i have had this happen. i actually got hit by my own airfield AA once and had to land to repair. I was going to complain but you know how well that works.

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15 hours ago, VT_88 said:

I think there is a bug.


Has anyone ever notice AA rounds whizzing past you on your own airfield?


I hear my own AA shooting at me all the time when there are no enemy around.


I wonder if your own AA is shooting you down?

AA is doing long range scare away attacks against far away targets and at closer range they try to hit. So it might be that they have shoot at something far away.

But never seen blue AA shooting a blue.


But own AA can shoot you down. Shells explode around the enemy and that can hit you too.

On 21/11/2022 at 14:15, K0rbec said:

The AA is ridiculous right now. I do think it used to be slightly too easy and but this is insane. If they don't nerf the AA then they need to dramatically increase the value of ground kills or decrease aircraft spawn/repair cost. Personally I would prefer a mix of all 3. Tone it down slightly,  really increase kill value and some decrease in repair cost.

Now all maps got real AAA models player use when driving tanks.

Those are not the old potato throwers with wobbly barrels anymore.

Those are (at last around BR 4) 37mm trucks. And if those hit, they hit hard. But they need some time to get on target with their guns. Not the fastes turning stuff out there.

And those things are easy to take out with guns.

Currently I would say, when attacking the ground stuff, SEAD has the highest priority now (they cost tickets too) and then tanks and pillboxes.

And to be honest, you can eat through the ground based AA fast.


The "problem" might be, there are so many of them. Very often we got a 1:1 tanks to AAA ratio. And that is very high. In absolute numbers there are many in in relative number there are many.

I think they should sprinkle in some ACs for some of the AAAs to get a more realistic ratio. And AC 20mm guns still can hit you badly.

Not sure if we got shermans on some maps and if they use their .50cal.

Edited by anyuser
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On 25/11/2022 at 10:17, cashmeowsidehbd said:

yes i have had this happen. i actually got hit by my own airfield AA once and had to land to repair. I was going to complain but you know how well that works.

team damage is off now I thiought. I do recall hearing the impact of rounds on my plane at spawn but I don't recall taking damage 


Wouldn't surprize me though Gaijin's gonna Gaijin

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20 hours ago, FailBoatCaptain said:

team damage is off now I thiought. I do recall hearing the impact of rounds on my plane at spawn but I don't recall taking damage 


Wouldn't surprize me though Gaijin's gonna Gaijin

it was quite a while ago. 

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