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Apparently objectives don't matter.


I have been getting a bit annoyed with the scoring of this game, as it feels a bit all over the place. In aircade air battles the game tells me to go for objectives, yet when my team takes down the enemy bases (objectives) while the enemy fails to take a single one, we lose. When I attack objectives I score low points compared to when I get player kills... etc etc... This particular score board I think really struck a nerve with me, because my team absolutely dominated the match, and somehow we lost, and the only cause I can see is small priority ground targets being hit by the enemy, despite them failing to destroy a single base of ours (objective), while we took out 4 of theirs, we als otook down more planes and had less deaths, but we lost.


Seriously, objectives just don't matter? if so, stop highlighting them as if they are some sort of big deal when they have barely any contribution to the outcome of a match.

If I'm wrong, then explain how please, because I think this scoreboard is pretty damning. Perhaps let us know what points something will actually be worth, because why bother taking down a massive target if its worth the same or less than some small thing that's easy to kill by comparison.




Edited by Lord_Stack

_Catweazle_63 (Posted )

Please use the correct forum sections, moved to > Game Mode Discussion > Arcade Battle Discussion > Air Battles

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  • Lord_Stack changed the title to Apparently objectives don't matter.

They really don't anymore...Being shot down in the furball multiple times and shooting down planes that have a higher BR than you are what matters now...gaijin wants you to cycle thru as many planes as possible while flying at low altitude as possible while trying to find planes with a higher BR than you...To aggravate you even further, mid map AAA is now much more accurate which will allow you to die more often...


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3 hours ago, Lord_Stack said:

I have been getting a bit annoyed with the scoring of this game, as it feels a bit all over the place. In aircade air battles the game tells me to go for objectives, yet when my team takes down the enemy bases (objectives) while the enemy fails to take a single one, we lose. When I attack objectives I score low points compared to when I get player kills... etc etc... This particular score board I think really struck a nerve with me, because my team absolutely dominated the match, and somehow we lost, and the only cause I can see is small priority ground targets being hit by the enemy, despite them failing to destroy a single base of ours (objective), while we took out 4 of theirs, we als otook down more planes and had less deaths, but we lost.


Seriously, objectives just don't matter? if so, stop highlighting them as if they are some sort of big deal when they have barely any contribution to the outcome of a match.

If I'm wrong, then explain how please, because I think this scoreboard is pretty damning. Perhaps let us know what points something will actually be worth, because why bother taking down a massive target if its worth the same or less than some small thing that's easy to kill by comparison.




Groundtargets ARE an objective.


Both teams start out with an equal amount of tickets.


Players who respawn cost tickets.

Shoot down friendly AI planes cost tickets

Lost GTs do cost tickets.

A base being destroyed costs tickets.


All bases together (except airfield) do cost roughly 25% of the tickets.

Lost all hard GTs (and on some maps all moving GTs and Arti sides) -> starts a ticket bleed to 0

Lost the airfield -> starts a ticket bleed to 0.

On that particular map, kill all tanks and pillboxes and you start the ticket bleed. (think light ones are not needed, but costs tickets too on that map).


Your team, at best, killed 2 bases.

The enemy team killed roughly all needed GTs on that map. And with only 2 deaths, those 2 guys did a good job there (I would say US fighterbomber squad).

You failed to hold them off.

Most likely your team ignored some of the AI attackers too, that do kill groundtargets and will cost you tickets.


Your job is to protect your assets on the ground. You are the aircover of the groundbattle.

You are there to hold of enemy ground attackers (let it be bombers, attackers or fighterbombers), your are there to protect the logistical bases a little behind and the airfield.


Your job is to attack the ground assets of the enemy team.


Your team failed hard on both tasks.


And about "dominating" as you showed, 16 to 15 airkills - that is not dominating at all.

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On 05/10/2022 at 16:09, Lord_Stack said:

Seriously, objectives just don't matter?


Oh, they do in arcade. But understanding the game matters too. And that is something you still have to work on, as it is rather complex. Anyuser already gave you the basics. He does assume however that you know what tickets are. I am not sure if you do? (Ticket bar is in center top of hood - if red is gone and blue is not you win).


Also, if your team eliminates the enemy players, you cause rapid ticket loss to them, which will normally lead to a win in a few seconds.


Damaged bases do nothing for a win. Only destroyed bases count.


So what did you and your team do wrong?

Check the score board. See the 4-squad. See their ground kill numbers go up. They will win unless you stop them. Inform fighters in team via map ping and chat. Change your bombing targets from bases to ground if you can't quickly kill the airfield. Then you might have a chance.


But in this particular case, they were an organized 4-squad while your squads were the pew-pew brothers: Game lost.


In summary: They focused on one objective and managed to get it done. Your team did not focus and/or failed to bring the right tools for the job.



Edited by Dodo_Dud
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  • 3 weeks later...

Wonder why objectives don't matter ?  Who do you think won this game of GROUND STRIKE ? and who got rewarded?



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Won a very hard and long battle for my team yesterday in Air Arcade, we had 160 points left and they had over a thousand, most of my team already went back to hangar, we had two bases left on low health, the enemies were just hunting for the last few players, then I noticed that the mini-map was showing only one ground target, so I spawned in a striker and just went for it, and then the enemy tickets just bled out in a few seconds. People get so focused on bases that they forget - or even don't know at all - that you can win by killing all ground targets.

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