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A Nagging Question about capturing an airfield


  I have a question that has been bothering me for some time:  In Domination, I capture an airfield at the beginning of the game and then, later in the game, I try to capture a different airfield, have a successful landing and ... nothing - doesn't register at all.  I find this very frustrating.  You plan your approach watching the other team's aircraft, make a solid landing, all for naught.  I find this happening about 30% of the time.

  Perhaps, there is something about the game that I don't quite understand, but, so far, I haven't seen this issue addressed.  I don't think I'm lucky enough that this is only happening to me, so any insights would be welcome.

Edited by _Catweazle_63
title editted to make it clear what the question is about
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26 minutes ago, magicfluteb said:

  I have a question that has been bothering me for some time:  In Domination, I capture an airfield at the beginning of the game and then, later in the game, I try to capture a different airfield, have a successful landing and ... nothing - doesn't register at all.  I find this very frustrating.  You plan your approach watching the other team's aircraft, make a solid landing, all for naught.  I find this happening about 30% of the time.

  Perhaps, there is something about the game that I don't quite understand, but, so far, I haven't seen this issue addressed.  I don't think I'm lucky enough that this is only happening to me, so any insights would be welcome.


Are there any enemy AI ground vehicles nearby? If so, you can't capture the airfield.


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38 minutes ago, krise_madsen said:


Are there any enemy AI ground vehicles nearby? If so, you can't capture the airfield.



Groundunits capture airfields and they capture stronger then planes.

But they only start to capture, if only ground vehicles of one side are left near to the field. Before that they kill each other.

Not all Dom maps got moving AI units that will capture, but most of them.



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  Aha, that answers my question.  I really never investigated the rules of Domination, I just learned as I went - probably not the smartest approach.  But thanks for the quick reply; knowing the finer points certainly lowers the frustration level ... it never dawned on me that there was another aspect other than just landing and capturing ... lesson learned.

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For the first 5min in game it is better to bleed down the enemy, because those Ground units are usually very close to the enemy spawn and attacking them is more of a deathwish then everything else. (with some exceptions based on the map).

And even after that, no heavy bomber in Dom. It is just target practice.

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