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Your first hate mail


I'm a little surprised it took this long, four plus years, but I got my first unsolicited hate message.  I was flying a BR 5.3 German lineup and spent most of the game with the FW 190 F-8. I was using the twin 30 mm MK 103 cannon gun pods, which for those who haven't flown this config it makes it a lethal bomber splatterer but also corners like a Mack truck driven by Louie after a late night at the bar. Sheer aggression can get some people but once fighters catch up to me it's all but over.  Up to my right was a BF-109 F-4, usually instant death with an altitude advantage and maneuverability.  He was flying like he was sight seeing looking for targets, made some moderate turns and I zapped him.  I saw him again in another F-4  below me and dipped down hard and got him.  I finished 7-1 which at one time was cool but now is just meh.  The guy messages me flipping out why as a rank 76 pilot I'm flying against people like him (he was rank 13 and finished 1-3) and I must be the type of person to punch a baby in the face.  So yeah, didn't know how match making works or pilot ranking, but it wasn't like I was flying against a team of reserve planes, BR 4-5 is up there a bit for prop plans.  I blacklisted him and moved one.  So what was your hate mail out of the blue?

Edited by Kosher_Locust
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If you beaten someone in 2-vs-1 or shot him at the airfield, or shot by uncomparedable better craft, not be suprised to got that, which you called "hate message".

Because you made that hate.

You broke game for someone and made for him losses in situation, when he can do nothing. So get that messages and know, who you are for him.


P.S. This game never has ballance.

This project owners from ruzzia. This is the state that organizes the replacement of urine tests of its doping athletes at the Olympic Games.

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53 minutes ago, UA9 said:

If you beaten someone in 2-vs-1 or shot him at the airfield, or shot by uncomparedable better craft, not be suprised to got that, which you called "hate message".

Because you made that hate.

You broke game for someone and made for him losses in situation, when he can do nothing. So get that messages and know, who you are for him.


P.S. This game never has ballance.

This project owners from ruzzia. This is the state that organizes the replacement of urine tests of its doping athletes at the Olympic Games.


The Man said to me once, for in all things I believe in  The Man,   but more importantly  The Man  believes in you, that you can't control what happens to you, but you can control your reaction to it.  

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«The Man» come to game for get some fun trough fighting. But he have losses and have NO fight. He get beat, not fight. How he must to feeling?
You (mean someone) got fun and frag. What you did for it? Oh, just took cool imbalance craft? And sometimes also took squad with voice chat to beat their who fight alone? Yeah, yeah, it happens, I good know. And such players wrote others, that they are cool aces, ja-ja.

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23 hours ago, Kosher_Locust said:

I'm a little surprised it took this long, four plus years, but I got my first unsolicited hate message.  I was flying a BR 5.3 German lineup and spent most of the game with the FW 190 F-8. I was using the twin 30 mm MK 103 cannon gun pods, which for those who haven't flown this config it makes it a lethal bomber splatterer but also corners like a Mack truck driven by Louie after a late night at the bar. Sheer aggression can get some people but once fighters catch up to me it's all but over.  Up to my right was a BF-109 F-4, usually instant death with an altitude advantage and maneuverability.  He was flying like he was sight seeing looking for targets, made some moderate turns and I zapped him.  I saw him again in another F-4  below me and dipped down hard and got him.  I finished 7-1 which at one time was cool but now is just meh.  The guy messages me flipping out why as a rank 76 pilot I'm flying against people like him (he was rank 13 and finished 1-3) and I must be the type of person to punch a baby in the face.  So yeah, didn't know how match making works or pilot ranking, but it wasn't like I was flying against a team of reserve planes, BR 4-5 is up there a bit for prop plans.  I blacklisted him and moved one.  So what was your hate mail out of the blue?

I am level 100 with 10s of thousands of games and I play that BR. If that makes any of you mad, cry harder. Also you were top tier, jees you need more help from the game?

Edited by FailBoatCaptain
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