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Leopard 2A6 (Sweden) - Incorrect Visual Model


# Game version

My game version: (


# Affected vehicles

  • Leopard 2A6 (Sweden) 


# Description

The Finnish Leopard 2A6 in the Swedish tech tree has an incorrect model. It is currently modeled after the ex-Dutch Army Leopard 2A6 NL, while it should be modeled after the Finnish Defence Forces Leopard 2A6 FIN.


In 2014 Finland bought 100 Leopard 2A6 NL tanks from the Netherlands. Before put into service, however, the tanks received additional modifications in Finland, such as adaptation to Finnish road safety regulations, improved accessibility and stowage capability. Most noticeable of these changes are:

    1. White reflectors and rubber mud flap extensions at the front

    2. Canvas covers for the two turret baskets on the turret rear

    3. Double handles on the turret sides

    4. Different side skirts (enlarged foot holes and cutaway parts on the rear side skirts above the sprocket wheels)

    5. Removal of the mounting bracket on the turret rear.


Majority of these modifications were also done on the Finnish Leopard 2A4s. (In fact, they are already modeled correctly in the Finnish 2A4 in-game.)


In-game pictures below (marked with the missing modifications from above):







And for comparison, here is a real picture of the Leopard 2A6 FIN (picture from Finnish news website, https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/f87a4ace-b07d-431c-b5c8-a6055f23d272)


is.jpg.6b3d576c69ab29c01c40ef7758fc2f97. is.jpg.b532186104521600ea36e16b4c88a34b.


Changes 2. and 5. can be seen better in later pictures.



# Sources



The following pictures are all public and taken from the official Facebook account of the Finnish Army's Armoured Brigade (https://www.facebook.com/PanssariPR/photos)





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Picture from Ruotuväki.fi (https://ruotuvaki.fi/-/arrow-19-harjoituksessa-osallistujia-yhdysvalloista-saakka)

Ruotuväki is the Finnish Defence Forces' official news magazine.





Picture from the official Twitter account of Finnish Army (https://twitter.com/Maavoimat/status/1521183062406619136/photo/2)





Picture from Finnish Army's official website. (https://maavoimat.fi/-/kymi-119-jalkavaki-eteni-maaston-ja-kelin-tahdis-2)





Here is an excellent close-up video from Tankspotting:






I will gladly provide more pictures / videos if required.


Thank you for your time!

medal medal medal medal

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  • Technical Moderator


Thank you for your interest and help improving the game.


Your information has been forwarded to the Developers for their consideration.


If there is anything further regarding this report a Technical Moderator will contact you.


Thank you again for your support.


Kind Regards, _David_Bowie_

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