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Has AA become deadly all of a sudden?


Haven't played air mode for ages but I'm finding the AA godlike in accuracy and lethal. Even at 4000m in my bomber I'm getting torn to shreds by 3 AA guns (and I'm taking evasive action). Looking at the score card every 3rd kill seems to be a AA. Not sure if the devs have given them some amazing upgrade recently? Never remember them been that dangerous and it was multiple games they shot me down in as well. 

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Midfield AAA has been nerfed in recent weeks from what it has been for a few months recently. Airfield AAA has not been nerfed. 4000 meters is not high enough in a bomber to avoid that AAA. I've not been killed by airfield AAA in my bombers at 5000+ meters.And, there are blind spots around airfields where you will never be targeted by AAA.

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Based on the map the airfield itself is not at 0m...

From airfield surface onward AA (just 2 of them, not 3), will shoot a at stuff a little more then 4km away.


While it has been said, that airfields will shoot single scare away shoots at further away targets. But those are unlikely to hit

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Lost several jets on the runway yesterday. They come in and strafe without beeing shot down. Only at one occasion the AA guns/SAMs shot down one of these elite players^^ So the precision of the airfield AA is somehow weaker than it used to be


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1 hour ago, Thodin said:

Lost several jets on the runway yesterday. They come in and strafe without beeing shot down. Only at one occasion the AA guns/SAMs shot down one of these elite players^^ So the precision of the airfield AA is somehow weaker than it used to be



I have noticed this too, airfield AA seems totally useless now, like helipad AA.

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