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Navy 1 Japan Yellow_d7bdbdb5538f02ead452


  • R-23T, R-24T, R-27T missiles — the dominance of heat signatures for jet engines and flares in the missile seekers has been adjusted.
  • J35XS - ammo capacity of the forward-firing cannon has been increased to 120 rounds.


  • Missing detonation in the shell and charge cellars of naval vessels has been fixed.

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

Edited by Stona
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Missing detonation in the shell and charge cellars of naval vessels has been fixed.

What does it mean? What are the charge cellars? I checked a few ships I own and there is no such thing on them in the X-ray view.
And is it just visual effect that was fixed, or the actual damage from the explosion?

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2 hours ago, Stona said:

the dominance of heat signatures for jet engines and flares in the missile seekers has been adjusted.

Can I ask what this means in terms of gameplay? Are the missiles more sensitive to heat signatures or less? Are countermeasures more or less effective? 

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3 hours ago, Stona said:

R-23T, R-24T, R-27T missiles — the dominance of heat signatures for jet engines and flares in the missile seekers has been adjusted.

I.... don't understand this phrase. Can someone please explain it to me in layman's terms?

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I would like to point out that it may be necessary to look at the R-60Ms flare resistance. Currently an enemy needs to flare exactly once with full afterburner to shake of the missile - even when travelling in a straight line with the missile fired directly from behind. If a flare get's fired, the R-60M will deviate from its flight path and head for the flare above. Firing the missile is no longer a choice of speed and position of the enemy, but rather if they see you and will flare once when you fired your missile. For the 11.3 battle range, this means a great limit in capability on machines that carry it, because their effectiveness in the furball is hightly capped to surprise attacks.

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Sorry if silly question, but ingame, website and forum all just say adjusted. Was this an increase or decrease to the dominance of the planes heat signature? 

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R27T now is totally going on any single flare, from any angle, even if enemy is using afterburner...

R60M the same, every flare=100% missed missile (one year ago when r60m was introduced with mig23m it was way better, when enemy was using afterburner and I had luck missile was still tracking enemy plane)


It could be like this, but in fact it's not fair when I am not able to dodge any aim-9l heading, especially from front aspect...


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The weapon selection on the Tomcat is inverted. Usually weapon selection begins with long range missiles (AIM-7, R-24T/R) but on the F-14 it now acts reversed, starting with the Aim-9H. This is highly confusing when all other jets select their long range weaponry first. I'd wish for an urgent fix as any memory of key presses are now highly confusing and got me killed a couple of times already.

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R-60M/MK and R-**T are useless now. There's no chance to hit a target with just one single flare.

Sometimes they even chase other missiles.

Whatever this update did to them is a major game breaking nerf.

R-13M1 have greater success even being rear aspect only.

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