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Object 120 wrong loading system


# Game version


# Description

The new and only blueprints about the Object 120's loading system show a whole different thing than what's in game. Since there was no other known information beforehand, it mostly was guesswork.


# Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Go to X-ray view on the Object 120

  2. Look behind at the loading mechanism


# Additional Information

The blueprints and information were released by the factory that built the vehicle, Uraltransmash.


# Affected vehicles

  • Object 120


# Files

  • F172546BCC8ED58E3ED727F91F318E0F626EF02F (1920×1080)

# Sources

Sources should comply with the requirements.

  1. Source 1

    1. «Трудная школа», published by Uraltransmash

    2. image.png.2659ecaa1d8f3b18a64b63c8d409ee

    3. Page 111, 113 and 114. According to the text, each drum had 5 projectiles and 5 charges, resulting in a first rack of 10 shells. The 12 other shells (12 projectiles and 12 charges) were stored underneath the turret, in the back. Those blueprints are from 1959, a few months before the vehicle was built.image.png.76cbaeace04751701219a85653b39b image.png.cdd8270d9b96076f25d4808372215f image.png.455a63e52c94e5014b9acea85ea425

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  • Technical Moderator


Thank you for your interest and help improving the game.


Your information has been forwarded to the Developers for their consideration.


If there is anything further regarding this report a Technical Moderator will contact you.


Thank you again for your support.


Kind Regards, _David_Bowie_

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