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I support Gaijing change the Chinese OP light vehicle to the place it should be.


For this BR change I just see Gaijing want to balance the Chinese 8.3 team which because it 100%OP. There is no reason for so many Chinese player said WMA PTL or 692 it shouldn't get a debuff or higher BR. In my personal is I have no idea for them want to balance the team or just want to be OP forever.

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11 minutes ago, EzioPatrick said:

For this BR change I just see Gaijing want to balance the Chinese 8.3 team which because it 100%OP. There is no reason for so many Chinese player said WMA PTL or 692 it shouldn't get a debuff or higher BR. In my personal is I have no idea for them want to balance the team or just want to be OP forever.


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