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Request the information of AP series APFSDS of 69-IIA.


It is not Classified information.


Since they remove the 3bm25, compare to T-55A, 69-IIA has only HEAT and APDS now, even weaker as a premium vehicle(T-55A is stock).


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The M1000A1 (it also be made in China with the license) is too strong in 8.0. The T-55M with it is in 8.3.

So I am finding a way to add a APFSDS for it, now I get some information of it but still not enough. :facepalm:





Now the information I have:

1. The name of it is type 1959 Tungsten-headed armor-piercing shell (1959式钨头穿甲弹), it is an APFSDS.

2. Weight is 3.44kg, mass of the Tungsten-headed is 1kg, length is 36mm, muzzle velocity 1435m/s, 2000m penetration is 100mm/65°.

3. It is used by 69-II series.


This is all I can do, so I request more information here, the 69-II series was exported to many countries, I hope someone there could get me more information (No Classified information).

I think it similar to 3bm25 but a bit stronger and hope gaijin can give a 3bm25 copy first and correct it later.

Thanks u guys.

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