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Oh. My. Gawd. The QN is finally here. The  Beijing beatdown. The Shanghai shanker. The Guangzhou gang banger. It has many names, but one thing is true now. The era of Russian/German IFV supremacy is likely coming to a close. This thing is a death bus with so many goodies I can hardly contain myself. Now, why this is an event vehicle, I’ll never understand. I feel bad for Chinese mains that don’t have the time to grind it bc it’s a badly needed piece in the ground tree, but it’s going to be so deadly that I believe Gaijin has no choice but to paywall it.

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37 minutes ago, bananomet said:

Just realised. Will the camo be available for purchase on the market or not? I think its only if you grind it right?

The skins have been weird as of late. Not available as coupons initially and only thru the event. Back in the day they used to issue coupons like the black skins for the AU-1 and OBJ279. So who knows 

41 minutes ago, noob_nya said:

The market is a better choice

That’s not always true. With a highly desired vehicle like this one, it’s probably going to be better to grind it out, and by better I mean cheaper. The first few that hit the market are gonna be sky high, with the typical pullback/stabilization phase shortly after. Whether it crosses below the $60 threshold is a gamble. 

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so most nato country's primarily America have stuff from the 90s but the ussr and Chinese tree get stuff from 2018+. I have personally played both ussr and united states and russia top tier is so stupid its boring to play and united states suffers so does china actually take skill or is it point click sim.

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5 minutes ago, Ghost_of_kyiv12 said:

so most nato country's primarily America have stuff from the 90s but the ussr and Chinese tree get stuff from 2018+. I have personally played both ussr and united states and russia top tier is so stupid its boring to play and united states suffers so does china actually take skill or is it point click sim.

The Devs have admitted that NATO equipment is straight up better and therefore would be OP, which is why they only get less modern versions of everything. However, currently Russia possesses the best of EVERY category in ground RB. So a little balance coming in the form of a Chinese Terminator is a welcome reprieve, even if it’s not NATO. 

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4 hours ago, WolfOfWarThunder said:

Oh. My. Gawd. The QN is finally here. The  Beijing beatdown. The Shanghai shanker. The Guangzhou gang banger. It has many names, but one thing is true now. The era of Russian/German IFV supremacy is likely coming to a close. This thing is a death bus with so many goodies I can hardly contain myself. Now, why this is an event vehicle, I’ll never understand. I feel bad for Chinese mains that don’t have the time to grind it bc it’s a badly needed piece in the ground tree, but it’s going to be so deadly that I believe Gaijin has no choice but to paywall it.


I can understand why it's an event vehicle being an experimental export vehicle afaik


what I don't understand is how it's in the game before something like the ZBD86A or ZBD04


4 hours ago, bananomet said:

I have daughter here for Easter, so I won't have time to grind it. But I want it. Can't decide whats better. Buy it with GE or wait until market?


It really depends on the event tasks.

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