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  • SAAB J-35XS asymmetrical layout of secondary armament has been corrected.
  • A-4E, A-4N Skyhawk II (Ayit) — incorrect icon of the 6x 500lb LDGP Mk 82 setup in the secondary weapon menu has been corrected.
  • Blenheim Mk.IV — a bug has been fixed where the upper turret was able to fire through the fuselage.
  • Mi-28 — a bug has been fixed that prevented copying of the weapon setup.
  • AH-6M — max payload weight has been corrected.
  • A bug has been fixed where canopy hatches remained wide open after respawn or landing for repair).
  • A bug has been fixed that prevented repair of the transmission and rotary wing while the collective pitch control lever is set to a position over 80%.


  • 356mm Type 91 APC and 356mm Common Type 0 shells - explosives type has been changed from shimose to Type 91.
  • Ryany — a bug has been fixed that allowed the first main gun to elevate through the overhead screen.
  • Raimondo Montecuccoli — a bug has been fixed where the mortar was firing together with the main guns.


  • The ability to save and view the progress of a favourite achievement from the last point of reference has been added.
  • The ability to view personal tasks (battle tasks, battle pass tasks, favourite achievements) in battle has been added.
  • The name of the missile trajectory straightening mode has been added to the tooltip that appears when you hover the mouse over the lower panel.
  • A bug where only one turret icon was displayed in the window for suspended weaponry when installing turret weapons in pairs has been fixed.
  • A bug where the last selected preset of vehicles after restarting the game could be copied to another preset has been fixed.


The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

  • Thanks 2
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20 minutes ago, Stona said:
  • The ability to save and view the progress of a favourite achievement from the last point of reference has been added.
  • The ability to view personal tasks (battle tasks, battle pass tasks, favourite achievements) in battle has been added.


Very nice QoL change.


20 minutes ago, Stona said:

A bug where the last selected preset of vehicles after restarting the game could be copied to another preset has been fixed.



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37 minutes ago, Stona said:

The ability to view personal tasks (battle tasks, battle pass tasks, favourite achievements) in battle has been added.

Does that mean we will be able to actively see the progression of a mission in-battle, like in other games?

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49 minutes ago, Stona said:



  • A bug where the last selected preset of vehicles after restarting the game could be copied to another preset has been fixed.

Finally, this damnable curse has been extinguished! Good job:happysnail:

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I have to say the clearer achivements is very welcome and a good addition ! 

Thanks and good job for that 

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The interface changes are truely amazing !

We need more of that, please continue upgrading the rather clunky interface.


Another idea: See while in a game (on the tab screen) the achievement you currently have for warbond tasks (and their progress if possible, ie: destroy bases : 3/6), same for "special tasks".



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On 17/05/2023 at 03:46, Stona said:


  • The ability to view personal tasks (battle tasks, battle pass tasks, favourite achievements) in battle has been added.


Please correct or remove this addition. Maybe change the button bind to a different button. Because on console (Ps4) this ability to view Personal Tasks by pressing R1 has interfered with an already default control. How did you guys not see this before releasing? It has interfered with the Spectator view mode - to scroll through and view other team members by pressing R1 to scroll one direction, or L1 to scroll the other direction. If we don't have the option to scroll right then we'd have to keep pressing L1 to go all the way through the team as we view the remaining of the game. This is very inefficient as if we want to view multiple players back and forth, we can no longer scroll left AND right, we now have to only keep pressing L1 to go left all through the team until we get to the vehicle we want to view. This is so crazy. 


And this is part of the main battle HUD screen controls, we can't change these button binds, at least not on console as far as I know. And many of us don't care about viewing personal tasks, I don't. And I haven't tried viewing a replay yet since this change, but it may interfere with the replay controls as well. 


So please correct this asap as it really is aggravating. Once again after an update something is affected or messed up. And for those of you who like this addition, fine. But the addition of one item shouldn't interfere or take the place of something else that is part of the game and has always been here. I would probably say more people are using R1 to view in spectator mode than would view Personal Tasks. Either way it should just have been assigned to a different button control. How did this get pushed through like this, when it's right on the main battle screen for all to see? Unless you developers don't use the Spectator mode so you didn't bother to think about it? 


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