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Unable to join/invite to squad




Unable to invite a friend to squads who is on Xbox (I'm PC via steam). 

Have restarted game & computer, verified game files. He has restarted his console and checked for updates. 

We were fine in a squad probably 30 minutes before this, I left to take a quick break. Now unable to invite or join him. Squad chatbox doesn't come up however it shows that I'm in a squad in the bottom right corner. He doesn't get my invites & I don't get his. 

Am connected to chat as well. 

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i assume you cannot leave the squad you are currently in (or NOT in ^^) ?


if you try to run a single mission or campaign it should (sometimes) state that those are not playable in a squad

and ask you if you want to leave the squad - if it doesn't ask or doesn't leave the squad even though you agreed

you will have to contact the support i guess -.-



medal medal medal

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