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This week, may be a coincidence since the latest update La Royale, twice I've been mid game and War Thunder has simply crashed to desktop.


No error, no send crash report to HQ, nothing, can't seem to find anything in any logs either. There is even no replay client side that I can see of the crash I just had 10 mins ago.


There is a server replay, which shows I crashed into a plane I just shot down, but the game crashed moments after I shot the player down, so what happens next isn't me  - honest!

Not experienced anything like this before this week


Any one else the same or can help with logs etc?



This has happened twice today already. Have opened a support request as this is a bit perplexing as there are no client replays and the sever replays show I'm still in the match after the moment my client has CTD.




2023-06-20 0900 update

This is happening more often than I like now.


Another CTD just a few moments ago. No response to my support ticket and loads of other reports of the same random CTD too.


Hoping for a quicker than this resolution!


Edited by Toastfrenzy
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