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[ID : 0031718] [] Ju 88 A-4 missing realism bug

1. A detailed description of the issue you have encountered: Junkers 88 A-4 in-game has incorrect bombloads, armament, performance, and model errors

2. If applicable, the full name(s) of the vehicle(s) affected: Junkers Ju 88 A-4

3. If applicable, the difficulty setting (e.g. Arcade) in which the issue occurs: All difficulty settings

4. If possible, link a short video showcasing the issue:

(Posted )

Missing .clog file
Could you organise your sources and provide
-name / title
-Full scan page when available, or document page number.
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Hello TT33a,


It's a very interesting report, but could you provide the document's titles / author? (aswell as a .clog file, as usual.)

We try as much as possible to forward full page screenshots / scans of documents with the title, devs don't like small croped pictures with no book title.


If you provide me with book or documents names, i'm ready to help and get as much scans as i can (ofc, it could take some time but we're not in a hurry).




Edit : Decided to save some time and got my hands on multiple books and manuals, it might take time to review them. Meanwhile, could you organise your sources? (docs names / titles, full page scan when possible or page number so i can get it myself and so on.)

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I'll review everything and get back to you, from the look of it i have at least half of the docs at home.



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Bombs load forwarded for review, ID : 0031718, next Ju88 issues after a good night of sleep ^^
Note that the Ju88 A-4/torp seems to be a specific variant, it does not seems to be a bug but a suggestion. I'll forward a specific report later on that setup (at the end of the day, it's up to the devs), but it might not fit the current Ju88A4 we have in game.
For futur bug reports :
1/When looking for sources, please match them with a book title as it would greatly accelerate the review process (i have to match each picture with a book name)
2/Always provide full screenshot or scans of the documents, as cropped pictures are not usually accepted (i found the original docs and scanned / screened full pages)
3/Please make a bug report for each issue. One for the bomb load, one for the 3d model and so on.

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I forwarded the torpedo issue for review (ID : 0031782), but some sources seems to indicate that :

-a fuselage modification was needed to make room for the torpedo

-the dive breaks were removed

-the plane was named "Ju88 A-4/torp".

Since it might be a sub-variation of the Ju88 A-4, the Ju88 A-4 we have in game may be unable to carry torpedo.

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After extensive review regarding the Ju88 A-4 defensive weapons : 
Elements make me think that most of the Ju88 A-4 "turrets" are corrects in game :
-Top rear Mg81J on a single mount
-Bola with a single Mg81J (belly, rear)
-Optional nose gun (Mg81J)

exemple :
What might be missing is an Mg81J in the cockpit... but i'm not even sure about it, there is a huge amount of Ju88 A-4 variations (being field or factory ones).
Since the Ju88 A-4 have multiple variations and combination of defensive weapons (and bomb loads by the way), i'm not sure that it would be currently possible to implement every single variation in game.




I reported the missing Mg81 for review, ID : 0031790

That report is already a bit messy, from that point i'm going to stop adding elements here and ask for a specific bug report for each remaining issue, with full page pictures and book names.


This thread will remain unlocked for one week (7 days) so that anyone with additional information\evidence\examples will have a place to post.  It will also serve as a place where the developers may post questions for you to answer so please keep up to date here. Please note, only posts relevant to the topic will be approved, all others will remain hidden.
Thanks for your report.

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  • Technical Moderator



First of all the Ju-88 needs to have an established version time as there are many difference in the A-4 sub  variant.

Like the Wellington Mk 1/L for later


Should be Ju-88A-4/E for the early version, which match the Tier and dive brake equipment.


Second the 88A-4/E should only have MG-81J or MG-81Z's, not the Mg-131 it currently has.


For the pilot screen MG mount, please see issue #20538 (closed, use for review)

Suggest the system is like for Do-17e with a pilot controlled fixed gun.

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First of all the Ju-88 needs to have an established version time as there are many difference in the A-4 sub  variant.

Like the Wellington Mk 1/L for later


Should be Ju-88A-4/E for the early version, which match the Tier and dive brake equipment.


Second the 88A-4/E should only have MG-81J or MG-81Z's, not the Mg-131 it currently has.


For the pilot screen MG mount, please see issue #20538 (closed, use for review)

Suggest the system is like for Do-17e with a pilot controlled fixed gun.


I'll try to see exactly what time/version of the Ju88 A-4 we have in game... but this information is currently unavailable. I forwarded the docs / information for review and the developers will acts depending of the version we have.



As 7 days passed, i'm going to move that thread to the documented bug report section.


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