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Short Meaningless Games

Hello friend,


      I remember having trouble with abbreviated matches pre 1.37. People were very unhappy with the how quickly bombers were able to end a "Ground Strike" by destroying all the bases, initiating an instant ticket bleed-out.


      I don't completely understand the current model but it seems as if the destruction of ground targets as well as base destruction now combine to deplete the ticket counter. While the aim here might have been to create diversity in ground attacks, its secondary effect has been to exponentially increase the rate at which games are potentially completed. When both targets are simultaneously attacked, the game ends almost immediately.


      I was on the losing end of a "Ground Strike" that lasted all of three minutes this week. This happened.


      I would add that this arrangement makes it impossible for most players to carry out any meaningful assignments, or even have an impact on the outcome of the game. Granted this is more of a problem in Arcade Battles, especially at late tiers, it all of a sudden feels as if we're moving backwards again.


      Has anyone else shared this experience?


All my love and affection,


- Out of the Pokey


A.K.A. Playing Nice


A.K.A. Kinkywithknives


P.S. The advice has already been contributed to join Realistic Battles for an extended game experience. The wait times are atrocious, the teams are underpopulated and overcrowded with AI. Personally I find the matches idle and boring. Lovingly offer new solutions in the comments below.



Edited by *kinkywithknives
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You are appearing to have a misunderstanding of how the game has worked and continues to work.


Mini-base destruction has resulted in a reduction of tickets since bases were introduced.


Airfield destruction has always resulted in ticket "bleed out."


It's nothing new, and it can end in almost instant wins/losses.  That is fairly unusual however and I'm not sure Gaijin is considering it a very high priority.


My personal belief is that we simply need more targets and tickets, and the removal of the ticket "bleed out" from airfield destruction.



EDIT:  The addition of mini-bases hasn't made it so that matches can end faster.  It's really just the low number of tickets and targets.  Do you remember the "Heavy Bomber Challenge"?  Matches were literally ending on the first pass simply because those of us who knew how to use bombers were using bombers.

Edited by darkbud
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 I was on the losing end of a "Ground Strike" that lasted all of thirty four seconds this week. This happened.


I doubt that. I seriously doubt that. I know you can destroy all enemy groundforces in about 1 min 45 with 8 players, coordinated ( I had to do this in a tournament). Even if you have 16 players on your team diving down, you're not going to end the game in 35 seconds, EVER,ever,ever

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"...That is fairly unusual however and I'm not sure Gaijin is considering it a very high priority..." :facepalm: ....


maybe in your dreams !



Fairly unusual for you maybe, this plague of "fast-food games" its a parasite who eat on the WT flesh for a  long long time.


The simple fact Gaijin do almost nothing to counter that, or they do a small thing then immediately introduce new ellements who bring back the problem and with even a bigger negative impact - well, that obvious says to anybody who play this game long enough : SHORT GAMES NEVER BOTHER Gaijin !


Prior 139 one could enjoy great games with 15-even 20-25 min length, then the Yer disease starts, peoples start hunting them, protesting, and after a small eternity Gaijin have the "brilliant" idea to create the mini-bases,  so for a while the things run under control.


Sure that was strange, I mean, who ever see here on WT a nice step ahead without 2 behind ?! So Gaijin added the DoDo ....and  after the arrival of DoDo.s with 4 tons just eliminate the mini-bases addition, and more things even worst since the heavy loaded DoDo.s, here on Gaijin fiction world of abysmal physics,  an heavy bomber can pitch much better then a light fighter, so here come the DoDo dance who allow them to dive and shake any fighters on his tail and end games in under 4-5 min...


I confess one of most important reasons I stop playing hard WT was / are the 3-4 min games - you end -up with that feeling of unfinished, boring, and loose of interest...

Edited by SENAdmiral
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I confess one of most important reasons I stop playing hard WT was / are the 3-4 min games - you end -up with that feeling of unfinished, boring, and loose of interest...


Dear friend,




      And, in response to the previous post it was a full team of nearly unchallenged bombers as far as I could tell. The spam was so thick I assumed it was coordinated squadrons or teaming. I killed four on the way up and by the time I turned around again eight more were flying by me on their way to the target. Next time it happens I'll take a screen shot for proofs sake. I am new to the PC version, so I forget about the new features I now have access to.


      While this remains a rare occurrence, the majority of matches still remain too short to feel meaningful. 




- Kink 

Edited by kinkywithknives

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"...That is fairly unusual however and I'm not sure Gaijin is considering it a very high priority..." :facepalm: ....

Whether you personally disagree or not, the fact of the matter is, it is a fairly unusual occurrence for matches to be won in less than a minute by coordinated teams of bombers.  It's not impossible, it can and does happen, but it is unusual.  That is a fact.


Whether Gaijin considers it a high priority or not is indeed simply conjecture and opinion on my part.  I don't believe that they do consider it a high priority.


Dear friend,




      And, in response to the previous post it was a full team of nearly unchallenged bombers as far as I could tell. The spam was so thick I assumed it was coordinated squadrons or teaming. I killed four on the way up and by the time I turned around again eight more were flying by me on their way to the target. Next time it happens I'll take a screen shot for proofs sake. I am new to the PC version, so I forget about the new features I now have access to.


      While this remains a rare occurrence, the majority of matches remain too short to feel meaningful. 




- Kink 


I will completely agree that the majority of matches seem much too short. 


My solution would be to simply increase the number of targets and the corresponding number of tickets.  Personally, I think there should be enough ground targets that all 3 of the stated objectives in a "ground strike" arcade match are viable options and none are "more viable" than others.  Indeed, it should be entirely possible to win a ground strike match by killing the entire enemy team.  There should be, in my opinion, enough targets for bombers that there is a very real possibility that they can't kill them all before their team runs out of planes.


This business of one bomber being able to wipe out every single ground target, or all the bases and airfield, by himself to achieve a win is pure nonsense.  I know it's possible because I've done it myself numerous times.  When you end up with multiple bombers, who know what they're doing, working towards that goal, matches end fast, very fast.  Currently we can only give thank that most players don't have the knowledge and skill to do it, otherwise we would be having those one pass matches more often.

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In essence, short games are the r4esult of a team acting in unison to take out all targets in a rapid amount of time?


Isn't this the essence of a pure game, unlike the tainted games we usually have with everybody pulling in their own directions?


I'd hardly blame the bombers though. Bombers are completely useless for Air Domination mode except as gunships, which is where efforts have been made to prevent the use of bombers for this.


Short games are the result of fighter failure. The complete failure to perform interception duties against an incoming force.

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In essence, short games are the r4esult of a team acting in unison to take out all targets in a rapid amount of time?


Isn't this the essence of a pure game, unlike the tainted games we usually have with everybody pulling in their own directions?


I'd hardly blame the bombers though. Bombers are completely useless for Air Domination mode except as gunships, which is where efforts have been made to prevent the use of bombers for this.


Short games are the result of fighter failure. The complete failure to perform interception duties against an incoming force.

Have you ever actually tried to intercept 6-8 bombers all diving damn near vertically at your base at once?

Even if half your team does try intercepting, they have usually unloaded by the time you actually kill them. Especially bad when they are predominately Dorniers.

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Have you ever actually tried to intercept 6-8 bombers all diving damn near vertically at your base at once?

Even if half your team does try intercepting, they have usually unloaded by the time you actually kill them. Especially bad when they are predominately Dorniers.

I've been on both sides of the equation. However, the OP said 34 seconds, which is ridiculous. You also rarely get 6 bombers able to fly with that kind of unity of attack.


A few days back, I had an almost perfect match on Lonely Island. In less than two and a half minutes, the enemy was down to two destroyers. Why? Because everybody did their job. Bombers went for the cargo ships, and fighters actually protected the bombers. Those matches are the exception though.


The reason bombers dive comes down to a number of issues.

- You can expect no fighter cover. In fact, some blue fighters drag their tailchasers towards you in the hope they go for the bomber. There are exceptions, but mostly, in a bomber you are alone.

- Bombers in this game operate in an environment with a ratio of 3-5 fighters per bomber, with all fighters knowing target locations the bombers need to get to. Bombers were never meant to face such odds.

- Survival depends on minimising engagement time with fighters. There are two ways, going high (where you tend to be at the mercy of fighters that reach you), or gaining speed in a dive, and diving through the fighter screen.

- Many bombers last just a single bomb run. Gaijin minimised splash damage, so to be most effective, especially against moving targets (AIs dodge bombs dropped from altitude), you need to be low altitude.

- You can't select a low spawning if you are in a bomber.


Now, I called it a fighter failure. The reason for this is fighters do have two primary roles in combat. Stop enemy bombers, and protect your own. They fail miserably at the latter task. Intercepting they do okay at, however too many players see the fighter's role as to get as many air kills as possible, and ignore the actual mission. Gaijin's victory conditions, events and giveaways, and requirements to obtain skins and decals do little to help this attitude.



My view is the single greatest problem with this game is that people who play think it is about learning to dogfight. That will get you a nice individual record, but to win games, something else is needed. This is the ability to perform THREAT ASSESSMENT.

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If only 2-3 competent bombers/attackers are in 1 team game ends under 5 mins. And this happens damn often.

I lost interest too in flying because of this fact. You just have no influence in a fighter...even when i shoot down a plane every 30 seconds and go for bombers at high altitude.

Especially the Do217 and Jetbombers are cancer.


Playing with a squad of 4 Do217-players for example. 1st run with E4 kills half ground targets...2nd run with E2 the rest. Exactly 2-3mins.

Golden wager completed with 20 wins in 1-2 hours. (Of course the 4 are beasts in air domination...where enemies are slaughtered)

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How about not furballing and go and attack bombers for a change instead of relying on those 2-3 fighters that do climb and basically secure you the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think its people trying to destroy 30 ground vehicles or something for that challenge IDK, bust last few days the average air arcade game lasts like 4 minutes its pretty lame. Rarely am I even getting into a second aircraft


Anyone else noticed this?


I really dont understand certain players who seem obsessed with ending the game in like less than 5 minutes. Honestly it really sucks, I want to prolong the game as long as possible, not keeping going back to the lobby every couple of minutes. Most of these game types in air arcade are too easy to win and winning can be achieved far too quickly if people really want to achieve it. And at the moment its happening even more than normal


People are literally fixated only on points and not actually playing and having fun, its pretty sad. And yes winning is fun but there is no need to beat the game in minutes jsut because you can...

Edited by fastAiR

Carrier_ (Posted )

Merged with already existing thread

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Fun and winning should go hand and hand...   If they don't; something is severely wrong in the game design...



The easiest fix would be to have air to air combat cause a loss of tickets, then adjust tickets for the increase in deterioration.    Then everyone would be happy and impact the game win; regardless, if they find joy in Air to Air combat or bombing.

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Fun and winning should go hand and hand...   If they don't; something is severely wrong in the game design...



The easiest fix would be to have air to air combat cause a loss of tickets, then adjust tickets for the increase in deterioration.    Then everyone would be happy and impact the game win; regardless, if they find joy in Air to Air combat or bombing.

Yea just how I have always been is wanting to drag the game out as long as possible. I used to own COD and win like 90% of games, but even then I would delay us winning and give them a chance to stay in the game instead of going complete rambo on them and ending the game in minutes. Even soemtimes letting them have a chance might make me lose, but for me. Maximising play time is far more important then winning

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