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Japanese DMM service FAQ


Q: Why is there a need to let DMM GAMES run Japanese service? I am fine with Steam or Gaijin itself

A: There are several benefits for the game service to be run through DMM GAMES platform.


First and most important – this way we will be able to bring more Japanese users to WT. There are many players that are not using Steam and our own abilities to attract Japanese players are limited. Second, this will improve the service quality, because in our cooperation each side will do what it is best at. Gaijin will be running the servers and all development side while DMM GAMES will do local promotion, support, payments and special events for Japanese users.


In other words, Japanese players will continue playing on Gaijin servers together with the rest of the world and will receive updates the very minute they are on our servers while enjoying improved local service. Of course you still will be able to use Gaijin Live, Forums, Wiki and CDK if you would like to plus you will be able to use DMM GAMES account for other DMM GAMES services.


The third reason is currently a secret, but we hope to share more news soonTM. The Bottom line is - you do not lose anything and you gain better local service.


Q: What will happen to my account? What does linking procedure do to my data?

A: All WT account data - your progress, Golden Eagles and Silver Lions, your planes and tanks remain intact in the same place - the Gaijin servers. Linking procedure adds an option to login with a DMM GAMES account, it does not remove the option to log in with a Gaijin account. Eventually we will ask all Japanese users to login through DMM GAMES account, but there will be a transition period when you will be able to use both ways to login. We will use this period to polish the login mechanism to make it convenient for you.


Q: I have an account for PS4 version of WT and use it sometimes to play on PC.  What will happen in my case?

A:  You can link your account the same way as PC players do and continue playing as they do. However, like all PSN accounts you will be able to make purchases in PlayStation Store only.


Q: Will I still be able to play from Steam and use Steam wallet?

A: We will stop distributing the game on Japanese Steam after the start of the official service with DMM GAMES. But again, you will still have full access to your account in WT and everything on it. Think of your account as your apartment - everything will remain in its place, we will just give you a new key which says DMM GAMES on it.


Q: DMM GAMES service is not open yet, how do I play?

A: Please play as you did before – through regular WT launcher. Both for DMM GAMES and us player-sama is kami-sama, so we will have a transition period to make sure everything goes smooth.


Q: I am below 18 years old, can I play?

A: Since DMM GAMES account can be used to play some games that might not be suitable for minors, they have 18+ requirement in their EULA. We are looking for ways to adapt this for WT.  However, we do not have to find and ban minor players in WT, nor can we actually do that, since we do not track user age. Please play as you used to.

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We have received many questions and concerns regarding payments and Gaijin Shop changes after DMM service, so let us clarify this matter:


  1. Web shop will be on Gaijin side and we will keep the shop content up to date. So you will be able to purchase all the most recent packs that other regions have, except those which are targeted for a specific region or event .
  2. Prices will be in DMM points, which effectively means yen. You can buy DMM points with nearly any payment method available in Japan - DMM scratch cards, credit cards, mobile operators, Webmoney, conbini payments, Paypal and even bitcoin.
  3. Prices will remain more or less the same as now.


Please see more details in DMM's announcement here

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