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[0058037][] Junkers Ju 88 A-4 bombloads

  1. The full name of the vehicle affected. If the problem is isolated to one difficulty setting (e.g. Simulator), specify which: Junkers Ju 88 A-4, all settings
  2. A detailed description of the issue you have or what you see as being erroneous regarding its representation in-game: Bombloads are incorrect, missing heavier bombs (2 kg, 1,400 kg, 1,800 kg, Torpedoes) & heavier bomb payloads including 3,000 kg maximum load, missing outer bomb racks, missing gun pod payload
  3. A detailed description of the fix you suggest. Provide sources including reference that underline your position. This is up to the discretion of the Technical Moderator handling the report, however the number of sources required depends on the type of source presented: Implement all bombloads/gunpods found in the aircraft's manual/Junkers documents
  4. User Manual / Repair Manual / Factory Manual etc - Historically acknowledged reference sources - single source required.
  • Reference works (collections of vehicles) Biographies, Books, "expert" opinion publications, websites etc - at least two unrelated sources required.*
  • Please ensure the references have:  Report/Document Type, Report/Document Name, Author, Date, ISBN/ISSN, relevant Pg No's etc
  • Please provide scans of all pages referenced and a scan of the front cover of publication/book.
  • For Web sources. Please provide the link to the actual relevant section, or document.  If this is not possible and only higher links can be referenced then please provide page or title information to locate the relevant reference.
  • Photographs need to be fully referenced






































Ju 88 A-4, D(Luft)T 2088 A-4, Flugzeug-Handbuch Teil 12G Rustsatze


http://www.deutscheluftwaffe.com/archiv/Dokumente/ABC/j/Junkers/Ju 88/LDv2088A4 Ju88 Baumuster Fl.pdf






http://www.deutscheluftwaffe.com/archiv/Dokumente/ABC/j/Junkers/Ju 88/Ju 88 A_4 Teil 12_C Heft.pdf

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  • Senior Technical Moderator



Thanks for the report.


I will read, investigate and get back to you shortly,





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  • Senior Technical Moderator


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  • Technical Moderator

I found a very similar but closed report to this (0009148), but lets try this again, with focus.


The Torpedo armed one is a special version, unlikely accepted as an addition to the stock A-4.

Nor the one with the flying torpedo.


There is no real value in the AB 24 canister in game.


The WB 81 and WB 151 are valid.



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9 hours ago, Pony51 said:

The Torpedo armed one is a special version, unlikely accepted as an addition to the stock A-4.


The special torpedo version which you refer to is obviously the Ju 88 A-17 which had its ventral gondola and other equipment removed.....On the other hand, the Ju 88 A-4/Torp would be no different than the current He 111 H-6 situation in-game in which it can equip with 2 x torpedoes as the H-6/Torp. As the H-6 receives torpedoes in this game without this name change to H-6/Torp so should the versatile Ju 88 A-4:








Also here is this Junkers doc. Notice how it is labeled Ju 88 A-4 (with ventral gondola) and not 'special torpedo variant Ju 88 A-17':





9 hours ago, Pony51 said:

Nor the one with the flying torpedo


Fine no flying torpedoes. Pic removed


9 hours ago, Pony51 said:

The WB 81 and WB 151 are valid.


What about the missing Last III ETC 500/IX wing racks?

Edited by TT33a
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12 hours ago, TT33a said:


What about the missing Last III ETC 500/IX wing racks?


Yes, I will  mention them.  

I will submit 2 or 3 reports for just the A-4



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Game can only offer so many load outs.  

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Make new bug report post only detailing "Ju88 weapon pods"

The WB151 and WB81 is valid idea, but would like to see another source for installation

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On ‎05‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 6:27 PM, Pony51 said:

The Torpedo armed one is a special version, unlikely accepted as an addition to the stock A-4.


I think the forum ate my previous post. Here is a page from the manual D.(Luft)T. 2088 A-4 Teil 12D Heft 3. Notice how it is called the Ju 88 A-4 and not the Ju 88 A-17:






On ‎05‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 0:28 PM, Pony51 said:

Game can only offer so many load outs


But the game appears to handle 18 load outs with no trouble as you can see here:






21 hours ago, Pony51 said:

Make new bug report post only detailing "Ju88 weapon pods"

The WB151 and WB81 is valid idea, but would like to see another source for installation


Will do

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  • Technical Moderator

Interesting detail.

Although it says an A-4, the technical work to accommodate the torpedo settings is extensive.  

Will report, see what happens.



ID 0058037 for the missing wing bomb (Lost III).

More to come.

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