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personalized loadouts / ammo belts


weapons/ammo personalization  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. do you think the personalization of the airplanes/helicopters secondary weapons will be a nice addition ?

    • yes, without extra costs
    • yes, but whit limitation and extra costs like the description
    • no, explain why
  2. 2. do you think the personalization of airplanes/helicopters ammo belts will be a nice addition ?

    • yes, without extra costs
    • yes, but whit limitation and extra costs like the description
    • no, explain why

Adding a personalizzation function for the airplanes and helicopters ammo belts and armament load-outs ( bombs, rockets, missiles, secondary guns ) will be a nice implementation and will make the gameplay better,

for example the FJ-4B WMF-232 have 6 slots for suspended armament, it can equip both bullpup missiles ( 5 missiles + 1 control module ) and sidewinder missiles ( 2 ) but not at same time because there isn't this load-out in the list, whit a personalizzable load-out system players will be able to create a preset with both bullpups and sidewinder missiles, ( according whit the number limit for each weapon for the plane ) for example a player will be able to put 2 sidewinder at the 2 external pillars and 3 bullpups + the control module on the other pillars.

Additionally a personalization function for the ammo belts will be great for the players like me that aren't satisfied of some plane ammo belts, for example in the Germans 20mm cannons the best ammo for anti tank role is the AP-I shell but you can't have more than 1 per series in each belt, whit a personalized ammo belt system a player will be able to create it's own ammo belt using any ammo type he wants choosing the ammo type that can be used in the guns of that vehicle.

the created ammo/weapons load-outs will cost more than the standard load-outs to prevent the abuse of that function, for example better ap ammo and hig power/effectiveness weapons ( large bombs, high explosive load missiles/rockets and high precision air to air missiles ) will cost more than the less effective counterpart

I have created some picture of how i think the editor can look


p.s. sorry if there are errors in my grammar 


. 1.thumb.png.a186bd3d3ae2868b46a4c86ac55a ..






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On 14/12/2020 at 01:21, Chomusuke1 said:


oh my bad sir, so we will see tnaks with triple barrel , and space vtol and space shuttles with missiles and satellite laser strike..... War Thunder is accurate

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In every sim I played since '89 (on amiga) I was able to choose how much bombs, missile, etc and on which pylon (if it supported)I want to put them and this was big part of the plane sim enjoyment. Choosing how to dress up your pixel barbie and putting right detail on a right spot.

...But in someone's opinion we don't know what is good for us and what we like so I don't expect to see it implemented.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a great idee for the game certainly for the more modern aircraft ! withe SEAD aircraft so there not limited to just doing that. but i was thinking more for the UI bo be looking more like this in the hanger so you can make you own presets. Just like in Arma 3


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  • 1 month later...
On 12/12/2020 at 13:34, Dimitri_Rudov said:

no thx, history accurate only has place into war thunder


So Not being able to take aim9Es, 7s and Bombs isnt possible IRL on the F4C?

Not being able to take 9s, 7s and Rockets is historical on the F4E?

Not being able to only take 2 gunpods on the A4B is historical?

How about not being able to take gunpods with other bombs/rockets on the A7? is that historical?


Irl pilots were able to able to put ECM pod  or Pave Spike or even completely unload 1 or 2 aim7s on the F4E. Yet we cant do the same in-game. Is THAT realistic?


And it has been documented that Russian pilots during WW2 were able to customize their gun belts; and British pilots were able to load Tracer belts into only the outboard guns on Hurricanes and Spitfires.


Your Argument is bullsh*t. Look around. There is a LOT in this game that isnt realistic. This idea is FAR from unrealistic.


Edited by Skyraider0
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  • 1 month later...

Well, for modern planes it could be good, yes. +1.

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