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Bring back 45 Minute matches!


These new match time limits are absolutely pathetic.


For those who don't know there's been around a 45% decrease to the ARB match time from 45 minutes to 25 minutes and 25 seconds.


There's barely time to solo clutch games anymore due to this and makes side climbing to a decent altitude time wasting. 


The best part of RB is the ability to land and reequip / leave the match if needed. There should be no reason beyond victory to end these matches before 45 minutes.


That is all.

Edited by QuAcKerS_EXE
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War Thunder in general is more Call of Duty than ARMA, or whatever, so even 25 min can be considered a long game.

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25 minutes is way too short. It encourages spaceclimbing and rewards ground pounding over dogfights, so in many ways it completely ruins air RB. This needs to be fixed asap.

Edited by Galapolis
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On the one hand those loooong missions were nice. On the other hand you have a space climbing bomber that no one can reach who just goes AFK for 30 minutes after he's bombed his base. Then there is me who would take that time to land, reload bombs, and try for another base if possible.

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1 hour ago, Delfigrey said:

On the one hand those loooong missions were nice. On the other hand you have a space climbing bomber that no one can reach who just goes AFK for 30 minutes after he's bombed his base. Then there is me who would take that time to land, reload bombs, and try for another base if possible.


Now you have space climbing bomber who you don't have time to intercept or fix ticket bleed and he just wins automatically.



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Probably the main reason is because playing those long games won't really give you more reward tho, at least on the RP side of things, since it feels like it's capped or you gain less the more you do things making it harder to actually gain a ton of it, so short games works better in that case. But yea, I prefer longer game time.

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1 hour ago, EXTOR_9 said:

Probably the main reason is because playing those long games won't really give you more reward tho, at least on the RP side of things, since it feels like it's capped or you gain less the more you do things making it harder to actually gain a ton of it, so short games works better in that case. But yea, I prefer longer game time.


RP is based on match time (As long as you have enough pts it ticks)


Lions is not. 

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Just had another amazing match where both teams played really well that was cut short because of this stupid new time limit. GAIJIN FIX IT.

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A buddy of mine had a game recently, in which his entire team was shot down. 

He himself shot down three enemies and maneuver killed two. 


The enemy team was left with a bomber and a small ticket advantage. 


He wanted to rearm and get that last bomber, who would have been an easy kill, but guess what happened...the time ran out and he lost due to tickets... 

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Space climbers are awesome... that means players can go safely to ground pound to get some good activity (good in events) and RP/SL (people are bitching about the grind... there is the opportunity to get ahead without risk!). People can also go back to base to repair to avoid repair cost (another point people have been bitching about for years now). Those that don't want to spend time ground pound can then simply J-out and go to the next match, of course with some risk of loosing... but most maps have enough chances to get at least the ticket advantage to win.


So yes, the new limit is stupid (as is the stupid dumb ahistorical mixed match-making).


Best regards,


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Reducing the match time to 25 minutes is a perfect example of Gaijin fixing something that isn't broken...


And of course, like many other times, the game is worse off because of it.

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Do you find an interesting phenomenon? Players participating in this discussion have all fought over 1000 battles? I think that's the answer. More experienced players are willing to take a longer time so that they can work harder to win, but the game is always dominated by less experienced players. These players just want to finish and move on to the next round. If you're GAIJING and most players say it takes too long, what do you do? You have to know that GAIJING doesn't go to the game to find answers. Remember the live demo not long ago? Their three failed launches in a row were the most convincing evidence of this.

Edited by Naga1224

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Please Gaijing listen to your community. Extend the battle time. 25minutes per match is just nothing, it kills the game, I always loved the prolonged matches with my platoon when we could win against the odds. And now ? no the match just ends... it is the same for ground battles , 25minutes is just stupid short.

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Gaijjin will ignore us anyway. Stona and others will write only positive things and refuse to solve problems or give some "political" answer, which is not the answer. I stopped playing air battles again, they are not fun. Mixed battles are a disaster, the waiting time is still the same (no improvement!) And now the shortened time and small maps where the airports are a few km apart. 


I asked EC battles several times, but I only got total ignorance and the only answer was that it was like an event (a political answer that rather shows the middle finger). I don't know how to talk to Gaijjin because they ignore decent discussions and then they are surprised that the players send them to black holes and the retribution is BAN.

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On 18/12/2020 at 04:46, Marseill said:

Gaijjin will ignore us anyway. Stona and others will write only positive things and refuse to solve problems or give some "political" answer, which is not the answer. I stopped playing air battles again, they are not fun. Mixed battles are a disaster, the waiting time is still the same (no improvement!) And now the shortened time and small maps where the airports are a few km apart. 


I asked EC battles several times, but I only got total ignorance and the only answer was that it was like an event (a political answer that rather shows the middle finger). I don't know how to talk to Gaijjin because they ignore decent discussions and then they are surprised that the players send them to black holes and the retribution is BAN.

I used to wonder why a super state like the Soviet Union was collapsing so quickly until I played the game I guess the people inside GAIJING are the same people who caused the collapse of the Soviet Union.

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On 13/12/2020 at 06:13, Delfigrey said:

On the one hand those loooong missions were nice. On the other hand you have a space climbing bomber that no one can reach who just goes AFK for 30 minutes after he's bombed his base. Then there is me who would take that time to land, reload bombs, and try for another base if possible.


Good luck, with this tactic after 6.0  +:biggrin: . if you pay 51.000 sl for one dead or AF isnt that safe place anymore..

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With the new 25 minute limit, it is almost impossible for bombers to win a match by destroying the enemy airfield. 

Now, you can pretty much only drop your initial load on a small base and then RTB to despawn... 

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Even 35 minutes would be far better than what we have now. Those long battles were rare, but they were the most memorable, the most glorious when every player draws out their last effort to snatch that victory from the jaws of defeat and were the main draw for me when playing RB. Now, most of these matches just end with one side deciding to wait out the timer because the other has fewer tickets...

Edited by Morrrtanius
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Yes bring back the old RB, give us the historical MM and old Time limits back


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won't happen. Fast paced action is demanded. )


And players spending nearly an hour in a match is a waste of time in Gaijin's eyes. Because they generate more RP but spend less rubels.

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3 minutes ago, Rainbowprincess said:

won't happen. Fast paced action is demanded. )


And players spending nearly an hour in a match is a waste of time in Gaijin's eyes. Because they generate more RP but spend less rubels.


Yep...and that's another nail in the bomber's coffin. 


At this point, they could remove the bases again and make them go straight for the airfield...

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1 hour ago, PointyPuffin said:


Yep...and that's another nail in the bomber's coffin. 


At this point, they could remove the bases again and make them go straight for the airfield...

At this point they could just shut the whole Plane aspect then... no one from the remaining friend that are active after the years bothers with Air Rb after the time limit change... it is just a plain stupid change, we keep waiting for EC planes like we did for the EC naval.

1 hour ago, Rainbowprincess said:

won't happen. Fast paced action is demanded. )


And players spending nearly an hour in a match is a waste of time in Gaijin's eyes. Because they generate more RP but spend less rubels.

Well fast paced destruction of the game maybe ? :018:
I don' t know ... if I wanted that I would play different games but I guess Gaijin management/ decision stuff does not care for longevity for real... just give them their moneeeey ! while this game still lives.

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but matches in general don't take as long as they used to in the past. I remember times in 2014/2015 where tank sim battles regularly lasted for 30 minutes. Meanwhile tank battles in RB often just last 8 minutes. especially at high BR

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