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Focke Wulf 190 C-1


The Focke Wulf 190 C Series should have been Focke Wulfs next mid to high altitude fighter, with the strong DB 603 inline engine.
Daimler Benz 603 A engine data:
Engine displacement:               44,5 L
Maximum Power:                      1750 PS at 2700 rpm for max. 1 Minute
Normal Power at ground level: 1375 PS at 2300 rpm
Full Throttle Height /
Full Pressure Height /
Volldruckhöhe:                         5700m
Water Methanol and GM-1 additions are compatible
A converted Focke Wulf 190 A-0 (Factory Nr.: 0 036) recived the DB 603 A-0 engine (engine number 136) and was called V13.
In March 1942, it flew for the first time with the testpilot Hans Sander in the cockpit. The Fw 190 V13 had the markings SK + JS on the sides.
This plane flew multiple times while the V15 and V16 got built.
Here the V13
To keep the V13 aerodynamic, they installed a so called "Oven Tube" on the engine which should pump air into it, however, it decreased the high altitude performance compared to the normal air intake.
V13 Oven Tube:
Standard Air Intake:
The Fw 190 V13 had a startweight of 3640kg and achieved a topspeed of 650 km/h in 5950m altitude at 2500 rpm with military power, on the 18th April 1942. A few days earlier, on the 9th April 42, it achieved a topspeed of 557 km/h at 500m altitude.
On the 35th flight on the 30th July 1942, the V13 crashed and was too damaged to get repaired.
The next Fw 190, the V15 (Factory Nr.: 0 037) and CF + OV markings was fitted with a DB 603 A-0 (Engine Nr.: 211) and the standard Air Intake which was 100mm away from the engine.
With this engine, it achieved a topsoeed of 696 km/h in 6950m altitude and 575 km/h in 400m altitude. On both flights, the radiator for water and oil were in flush position (Strakstellung).
The next plane which competed with this performance was built 2 years later in 1944 and got called Ta 152 C which used the DB 603 E engine, but it was 700kg heavier.
The V15 recived later the DB 603 A-1 (Factory Nr.: 17 841) and the Air Intake was put closer to the engine (only 60mm now).
In May 1943, the plane was sent to Langenhagen for testing purposes and was also fitted with a wooden 4 blade propellor.
V15 cockpit
The last testing plane was the Fw 190 V16 (Factory Nr.: 0 038) and CF + OW markings started in summer 1942 with the DB 603 A engine. In August, it was sent to Daimler Benz in Echerdingen.
It was tested by DB and the results didn't differ more than +/- 1% from Focke Wulfs tests.
With Emergency Power (2700 rpm) it reached 724 km/h in 7000m altitude. However, the DB 603 A only had a normal loader, so Daimler Benz fitted the V16 with their newer DB 603 G (G-Loader) and reached a topspeed of 722 km/h in 9000m altitude.
The climb rate was 17,5m/s  near ground level with military power. Compared to the later used Jumo 213 A engine in the Fw 190 D-9, the DB 603 engine could hold it's climb rate longer.
Daimler Benz also noted that the use of wider blades for the propellor would increase the climbrate between 1 and 1,5 m/s.
In 1944, DB fitted the V16 with the more powerfull DB 603 E V 83 engine. With the MW 50 system and this engine, the V16 was able to climb 22m/s on ground level. This tests were made with 3765kg weight, which was so high because they put the standard loadout into this plane.
Performance Sheets of the V16:
V16 with Water and Oil cooler
The next Vs of Fw190 with DB 603 had Water and Oil cooler in the ringcooler which then looked like the V21. The V21 was built for the DB603, but tested with the Jumo 213 A.
This were the testing planes, none of them had weaponary.
Now the Fw 190 C
Focke Wulf planned the C-1 and C-2 to go into production. The C-1 differed in a few things from the C-2
The C-1 should not be fitted with a pressurized cabine, but bomb racks for 500kg bombs or a dropable 300L tank.
The C-1 should be fitted with the FuG 16 ZY and FuG 25a.
The C-2 should be fitted with the FuG 16 Z and FuG 25a.
However, since the RLM said "No" to the superior Fw 190 design, the C-2 was never built.
Focke Wulf however already had plans to deliver the Fw 190 C between March 1943 and March 1944.
Weight: 4340 kg
Wingarea: 18,3m²
Armour: 115 kg
Armoured tanks
Fuel: B4 (C3) 544L
3 blade propeller: diameter 3,5m
Take off after 350m with B4 and N = 1750 PS
Take off after 310m with C3 and N = 2000 PS
2x MG 131 in the nose (250 rpg)
2x MG 151/20 in the wing roots (250 rpg)
1x MG 151 / Mk 108 or Mk 103 (65 rpg)1 in the engine
Rüstsatz for 2x MG 151 in the outer wings. (1 MG per wing)
As seen on the very first picture of this thread, the Belly Cooler got integrated in the ring cooler.
6 Fw 190 A-0 were converted to the Fw 190 C and got called V19, V20, V21, V25, V26 and V27.
All in 1943 befor July
The first two recived no weapons or pressurized cabines. All others recived 2x MG 131, 3x MG 151 and a pressurized cabine.
The 18,3m² wings were moved a little forward.
The V19, 20 and 21 were built with Duralumin, but V25, 26 and 27 with Aluminium - Zinc.
None of those six were ever completed as Focke Wulf C-1. 
V19 to V21 and V25 were used for the Ta 152 A with Jumo 213 C engine.
General Data:
Fw 190 C-1
Year: 1943
Weight: 4340 kg
Wingarea: 18,3m²
Engine: DB 603 A
Power: 1750 PS / 2000 PS with C3 fuel
Fuel tank: 544L
Take off after: 350m
Topspeed at low altitude: 570 km/h / 600 km/h with C3 fuel
Topseed at 7km: 700 km/h / 720 km/h with C3 fuel
Climb speed at low alt: 15 m/s / 16m/s with C3 fuel (military power)
Service Ceiling: 11,2 km
2x Mg 131 in the nose (250 rpg)
2x Mg 151 in the wingroots (250 rpg)
1x Mk 103 in the engine (65 rounds)
Rüstsatz for outer wings
Compared to the Fw 190 D-9 (1944) it was 6 km/h slower at low altitude, 15 km/h faster (D-9s topspeed was at 6,6 - C-1 at 7km) and 1 m/s less climbrate. However, with C3 fuel, it outperformed the D-9.
This is because the D-9 was fitted with the Jumo 213 engine, which was a little worse than the DB 603 A.
Only the 1945 Ta 152 C-0 (which was the result of the Fw 190 H - which followed the B and C series) could show a better performance than the Focke Wulf 190 planes with DB603 A engine.
Main weapon
I hope the Devs will consider to put this great example of german engineering into the game. Either as standard plane or as premium plane.
I would like to remind some people that our loved US american prototypes which probably didn't fly as often as the Fw 190 Vs had no weapons either.
Edited by wotertool
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looks like a interesting plane for Germany

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