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the Fiat G.55 Centauro

good afternoon.


At the moment, the Germans have a small selection of Italian aircraft in their tree. and as much as i like the Folgore its a shame that there is no suitable end aircraft that would make it worth it. that and the fact that the Folgore's fire power leaves something to be desired, I would like to suggest the Fiat G.55 Centauro, as it would make for a a very nice Era III aircraft (with plenty of fire power as well)


The Fiat G.55 Centauro (centaur) was an all-metal low-wing monoplane single- seat fighter designed by Giuseppe Gabrielli, and represented a great improvement by comparison with the previous Fiat monoplane fighter to go into production, the G.50. Great care was taken to blend an aerodynamically advanced airframe with a structure which was robust and would lend itself to mass production. Its configuration included fully-retractable landing gear and a raised cockpit providing an excellent view. Fast and maneouvrable, the type proved popular with its pilots.

The first of three prototypes was flown on 30 April 1942; the third (MM 493) was the only one to carry armament, comprising one enginemounted cannon and four fuselagemounted machine-guns. It was evaluated under operational conditions from March 1943, but by then the Italian air ministry had already decided on mass production of the G.55. However, only 16 G.55/0 preproduction and 15 G.55/1 initial production aircraft had been delivered to the Regia Aeronautica by September 1943, production thereafter being for the Fascist air arm flying alongside the Luftwaffe. Before wartime production ended 274 more were completed and a further 37 were abandoned at an advanced construction stage.

Before the armistice of September 1943, G.55s had participated in the defence of Rome with the 353a Squadriglia of the Regia Aeronautica. The postarmistice operations were rnamly with the Fascist air arm's Squadriglia 'Montefusco', based at Venezia Reale, then with the three squadriglie which formed the 2° Gruppo Caccia Terrestre, but losses were heavy, as a result mainly of Allied attacks on the airfields. While the war was still in progress, Fiat flew two prototypes of the G.56, which was developed from the G.55 to accept the more powerful Daimler-Benz DB 603A engine. Built during the spring of 1944, they incorporated minor structural changes and had the fuselagemounted machine-guns deleted. The first prototype survived the war and was used subsequently by Fiat as a test-bed


General Dimensions



the official report from the Guidonia testing



and the climb/ speed charts of it at military power and i did find a reference to 671 kph, which appears to be the WEP speed at optimum altitude :)



Further more its pilot protection is not shabby at all

according to the Guidonia German test report

it was equipped with 11 mm of back armour (the same for all Series 5) and selfsealing fuel tanks, capable of withstanding 12.7 mm rounds. (not sure if actually armoured or capable of sealing the damage done by those rounds)

and it came with a hydraulically operated seat, that could be adjusted :P


also here is a cutaway detailing the inner structure of the aircraft



and here are some suggestions for the camo



I hope to see it ingame Soon™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™ :)


EDIT as requested some more info



As for the armament,

the G.55 was produced in 3 versions.

the Series 0: had 4 Breda Safat 12.7 mm and 1 nosemounted 20 mm Mauser cannon. with the MG's being mounted in the in the upper an lower engine cowling

- the Breda's had 300 RPG

- while the cannon had 250 Rounds

the Series 0/1 was a conversion of serveral of the first models to the True production models, while they retained the look of the Series 0, they were fitted with 2 20mm Mauser cannons in the wings, and disposed of the lower cowling Machine guns, as they were impratical and hard to service
the Series 1 is the true production aircraft fitted with 2 12.7 mm Breda SAFAT in the upper engine cowling, 1 nosemounted MG 151/20 cannon in the nose along with another 2 in the wings.

the armament for the series 0/1 and 1 is identical

consisting of

- 300 RPG for the MG's

- 250 rounds for the Nose cannon

- 2X 200 rounds for the wing mounted cannons


- 2X 253 lb bombs or additional fuel tanks, which extended its range to some 1700 km. (it did 1100 on internal fuel)



also here is the translated German assessment of the G.55 in the Guidonia trials held in 1943



III. Taktish - technical comparison.
Of the 4 aircraft, which were involved in the comparison, which is
Fiat G 55 in assessing so good that a tactical technical -
c comparison it is:
The advantages of the Fiat G 55 are: Greater area, better page
ratio, lower wing loading (175 kg per square metre). Conducted
Che Bf 109 G 4 = 195 kg per sq m and Fw 190 A 5 = 210 kg per square metre.
This, the aircraft receives improved properties, the to
impact in greater height, better cornering agility and
better rate of climb in the amount. The latter does not appear
quite true, since the performance load is higher than in
the Bf 109 G 4.
Another advantage is the replacement of weapons. The currently existing
Armament of 4 12.7 mm MG and 1 151/20 Cannon (200 rounds),.
centrally in the hull angeornet, have a sufficient
corresponding ammunition supply, ever 360 Scuß. The armament of the Bf 109
G 4 degegen with 1 151 / 20 cannon and 2 7.9 mm MG with each 500
Shot is much too low. In the further development
development of 3 151/20 cannons and 2 12.7 mm MG.
This armament is very good and is accomplished without the
Fligerischen properties and services to start beeindträchbe
needed, as it currently in the German fighters by
Cultivation of the Setup sets the case is.
The Fligerischen properties are not as good as at the
Bf 109 G 4 and the Fw 190 A 5. The visibility is something
worse than the Bf 109 G 4 and the Fw 190 A 5. An essential
legal disadvantage the Fiat G 55 compared to the German hunting flight
witness is the suitability for the Jaboeinsatz. This may
not be, as on all fronts of the Jabo-left off eight
use entered in the foreground.
As the Fiat G 55 appears advantage, that the cell on the
Installation of the DB 603 is suitable. This is a significant
A performance improvement and the existing disadvantage, that they
is inferior in speed (approx. 25 km per hour long)
effective as a Bf 109 G 4 and Fw 190 A 5) is obsolete. It comes
added that the aircraft is to thus a 3 cm gun on - takes.
Zussammenfassund is so:
The Fiat 55 is the German hunters par n of the climb
Altitude performance, superior in armament and range,
documents in speed (currently 25 km/h), and to
take into account, that the Italian DB 605 100 HP of less
Since according to the designer, the DB 603 without significant
Tags gezw. Changes include goes, WINS already under
Taking account of the current services the aircraft very to
Interest, as it with the DB 603 all current hunters in appropriate
the point of view would be superior.


EDIT 2: the Test report concludes that although the G55 is slower, it climbs the same, has very good handling at higher altitudes. which is something the A5 lacked. against the G4, it turned considerably better, and unlike the G4 it had far better handling at high speeds, outdiving it by a fair margin, Controls even at high speed were light and well harmonised.


Further more, here is a picture of its cockpit taken from one of the remaining ones


Edited by _TomokoAnabuki
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We need more italian planes overall.

It would help with MM since currently its just 2 Axis nations vs 3 Allied. And axis is underpopulated.

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Yes, please.  :good:


Though a little more images and information would probably help. If that's not too much to ask?


I noticed that we don't really have many proper suggestions on Italian aircraft, only a couple at most. Would be nice to see that changed.  :yes:

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It will be the challenge for P-51 and probably bearcats, and a nightmare for the spitfire

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It will be the challenge for P-51 and probably bearcats, and a nightmare for the spitfire



you forget the G.55 had its first combat in April 1943, just before the Armistice.

the P51D and Bearcat would steamroll it, however they would have to chat with its little brother, the G.56 with was fitted with the much more powerful DB 603 rated at 1750 HP at takeoff.

the only difference between it and the G.55 is that its slightly longer (some 30 cm IIRC)



(at military power)


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I noticed that we don't really have many proper suggestions on Italian aircraft, only a couple at most. Would be nice to see that changed.  :yes:

wasn't there a suggestion for an entire italian tech tree submitted some time last year? i know i've seen the g.55, g.56 and re.2005 suggested somewhere around here...


certainly warrants inclusion to the luftwaffe lineup. if they can get the fm right, it could be very competitive.

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wasn't there a suggestion for an entire italian tech tree submitted some time last year? i know i've seen the g.55, g.56 and re.2005 suggested somewhere around here...


certainly warrants inclusion to the luftwaffe lineup. if they can get the fm right, it could be very competitive.


well i know there was a whole thread about it on the German aviation forums about it.

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wasn't there a suggestion for an entire italian tech tree submitted some time last year? i know i've seen the g.55, g.56 and re.2005 suggested somewhere around here...
certainly warrants inclusion to the luftwaffe lineup. if they can get the fm right, it could be very competitive.

I know of the Italian, British, and French tree suggestions. The British one passed through this channel, the Italian was sent directly to the developers, and AFAIK the French one is still WiP.

While the entire Italian tree would be a welcome addition, I'm a pragmstist myself. A single plane is easier to implement than an entire tree, and introducing 1-2 iconic Italian designs into the German tree would increase the hype and interest on Italian aviation.

Initially adding the G.55 to the German tree would in my opinion serve the Italian cause.
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I'd love the Re.2005 instead.

That'd be an awesome T4 plane imho.

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I'd love the Re.2005 instead.

That'd be an awesome T4 plane imho.


I would prefer both,

however finding some reliable data on the Re 2005 is hard though :)

However the Re is a beautiful aircraft :)


I know of the Italian, British, and French tree suggestions. The British one passed through this channel, the Italian was sent directly to the developers, and AFAIK the French one is still WiP.

While the entire Italian tree would be a welcome addition, I'm a pragmstist myself. A single plane is easier to implement than an entire tree, and introducing 1-2 iconic Italian designs into the German tree would increase the hype and interest on Italian aviation.

Initially adding the G.55 to the German tree would in my opinion serve the Italian cause.


well i would Add the Veltro in low mid Era III and the G55 in the high Era III i think that would be enough for a bit though :)

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It's a well rounded Aircraft for it's time, but how about the plane visibility? I mean how much can you see what's behind the plane from your cockpit? It's a really important matter in FRB... Edited by Shizuo_Ishii
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It's a well rounded Aircraft for it's time, but how about the plane visibility? I mean how much can you see what's behind the plane from your cockpit? It's a really important matter in FRB...


Well the Fiat G.55 had roughly the same lay out as the Folgore


its only a slim headrest and a canopy that is larger, so there is space in between.

So i would say its rearward visibility is about the same as that on the Folgore which we have in game and some of them were fitted with a mirror like some of the UK planes as well.


the German test report concluded that visibilty was good to the sides and rear, and limited to the front and above due to the framing of the canopy

Edited by _TomokoAnabuki
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Yes please.

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Do want!


I want all Italian planes!




There is a user made tech tree, and all Italian aircrafts would be good from that tree! :salute:

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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

looks like a pretty nice plane for the people that like to fly italian

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moved to further suggestions

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