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Panzer III Ausf L mit Waffe 0725


Panzer III Ausf L mit Waffe 0725 should replace Panzer III Ausf N?  

115 members have voted

  1. 1. Panzer III Ausf L mit Waffe 0725 should replace Panzer III Ausf N?

    • Yes! I would definitely buy it!
    • No!
    • Maybe, depending if there is enough data for it.

I have a proposal to replace Panzer III Ausf N in premium considering that they made 614 Panzer III Ausf N in 1942 to 1943, so I thought up a good unique german tank to fit for premium. It did exist IRL as well. 

Here's a name: Panzer III Ausf L mit Waffe 0725. 

Here's an exempt of Panzer III Ausf L mit Waffe 0725 existing in IRL in Germany Army:
This book is for that exempt. 
Also, there is two data for that experimental gun's penetration table. 
And also performance of this tank is same as Ausf L, only difference is its gun. That's it. 

What do you think? It would be good replacement for Panzer III Ausf N? its BR should be high due to this gun's good penetration capabilities so, maybe 3.7 to 4.0 considering that this tank can do well in tier 3 if it is played right.

Edited by Helezhelm
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I think it has been discussed and suggested many times...hasn't it?

Looks good and I'm all for it


it's a one-off prototype and I can already see everyone whining about it if they meet more than 1 in the same match.

Not that it was a failure like some of the X-planes and as far as I know it was actually very potent but got cancelled due to material shortage for its special ammunition.

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Yeah, also for that, I think GE price should be comfortable between 2,000 to 2,500 GE considering that this is upgunned Panzer III with beefed BR. 

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I think this would be a good addition at high tier II, low tier III, so about BR 3.7-4.0


The gun only fired APCR solid shot (tungsten and iron if we're working from the Pak 41 ammunition, which was the same gun on a carriage mount), so placing above that BR would be questionable as to the damage it could do, even though it could penetrate armour of most opponents at the engagement ranges we're seeing in game. 


As for the one off, so was one of the I-185's we have in game with a different engine, so are half the captured planes that we see in premium.  It certainly would never be a production model suitable for the tree, but perfect as a premium. 

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Yeah, also for that, I think GE price should be comfortable between 2,000 to 2,500 GE considering that this is upgunned Panzer III with beefed BR. 


I'd much rather have the pre 1.37 premium plane prices for tanks as well.


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I'd much rather have the pre 1.37 premium plane prices for tanks as well.


Wouldn't everyone?  But the 2-2.5k fits fairly well with the current pricing scheme for a high tier II/low tier III

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a single unit with an experimental gun? that's a tough one, there were a lot of such prototype experiments done which should not even be considered because if you do one, you open the door for all of the others. making them premiums turns the game into wallet warrior pay to winville. not that it isn't close now. a good number (especially the ones with experimental weapons) would be seriously op because the game cannot accurately reflect the reasons the projects never went to production.

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a single unit with an experimental gun? that's a tough one, there were a lot of such prototype experiments done which should not even be considered because if you do one, you open the door for all of the others. making them premiums turns the game into wallet warrior pay to winville. not that it isn't close now. a good number (especially the ones with experimental weapons) would be seriously op because the game cannot accurately reflect the reasons the projects never went to production.


With the unlimited availability of specialised rounds, especially tungsten APCR for both sides, the point is already moot.  This project didn't go ahead due to the lack of tungsten for the Pak/KwK 41 gun.  This game, there is not any restriction on the availability of any ammunition. While I understand your point, that boat sailed a long, long time ago. 

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a single unit with an experimental gun? that's a tough one, there were a lot of such prototype experiments done which should not even be considered because if you do one, you open the door for all of the others. making them premiums turns the game into wallet warrior pay to winville. not that it isn't close now. a good number (especially the ones with experimental weapons) would be seriously op because the game cannot accurately reflect the reasons the projects never went to production.


Sorry but the boat already sailed long time ago. You can't argue against that, sorry. 

Prototypes will stay and will be for long time. This is perfect tank for replacement of Panzer III Ausf N considering that you did not read what I said in original post after all- Ausf N saw mass production service (614 made!) compared to this one were made. Which it is perfect for premium considering that it is prototype after all. 

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This would be lovely. Would serve as a high penetration, low after-effect gun. Its not really an 'experimental' gun per se as well. The squeeze bore principle was used in other german guns (a 37mm AT gun I think) as well as some allied guns (theres an attachment for guns that used squeeze bore ammo, forgot the name)

It was not used extensively as Tungsten was in short supply and using it for ammo on this gun wasnt a high priority. Nevertheless, its an excellent suggestion. I would probably buy it.


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Yes please!


I've been putting off buying the premium Pz. III because I don't like that stubby 75mm, and we already have it on the early Stug and the Pz IVC...


With this "squeeze" gun, I would buy it in a jiffy! :salute:


Kind regards,



Edited by Blastmaster1972
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Whoever voted maybe in poll, can you specific why? Just curious. If you need more data, ask Asethe or I, can get you more data on this tank,

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This would be lovely. Would serve as a high penetration, low after-effect gun. Its not really an 'experimental' gun per se as well. The squeeze bore principle was used in other german guns (a 37mm AT gun I think) as well as some allied guns (theres an attachment for guns that used squeeze bore ammo, forgot the name)

It was not used extensively as Tungsten was in short supply and using it for ammo on this gun wasnt a high priority. Nevertheless, its an excellent suggestion. I would probably buy it.


The only experimental part to the gun was the requirement to fit it to a tank.  There were about 160 Pak 41's, the field gun version of the 75/55mm Konisch, and much of the gun data comes from those weapons, as there was little difference between the Pak 41 and the KwK 41 apart from the breach mechanism. 

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Considering the PzIIIN should really be a regular tank, this would fit perfectly in its place. I'm all for it. Prototypes and napkinwaffe aside, when you pay 10 or more euros for a tank you should get something fairly unique, not a tank produced by the hundreds.

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a single unit with an experimental gun? that's a tough one, there were a lot of such prototype experiments done which should not even be considered because if you do one, you open the door for all of the others. making them premiums turns the game into wallet warrior pay to winville. not that it isn't close now. a good number (especially the ones with experimental weapons) would be seriously op because the game cannot accurately reflect the reasons the projects never went to production.

Just a heads-up, from what I know the Su-122P we have was a one-off conversion of a standard Su-100 with a 122mm, that got rejected.

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