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Avro Shackleton Mk 2 "10,000 loose rivets flying in close formation"



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"10,000 loose rivets flying in close formation"

Im surprised there is no official suggestion for this aircraft (Couldn't find one on search, nor is it on the previously suggested list) even though a lot of us would like to see it in game.

Well, If it were to be any Shackleton in game, it would have to be the B Mk 2 / MR2, as it still retains its mid upper turret.


The mark two Shackleton was flown on the 17/6/1952, it was a heavilly modified Mk1, with the nose mounted radar removed, as it was prone to birdstrikes, a strengthened tail wheel, Lengthened nose, lengthened tail & a bomb aimers position added.

With the addition to the airframe fortifications and modifications, two 20mm Mk V Hispano cannon were mounted in the nose, and the mid upper turret equipped with twin Mk V Hispano's. This greatly improved its defensive capabilities if it were to be attacked whilst carrying out its main role (Anti ship & Submarine).

The Shackleton Mk 2 was powered by 4 Rolls Royce Griffin Mark 57A V12 engines, with 13ft diameter contra rotating propellers. Delivering 2,000hp each. Or 2435hp each, with a water/methanol injection system, later added to the aircraft.

The Shackleton had an array of weapon carrying capabilities.

- Up to 10,000lbs of Bombs (Main use in game IMO)
- A number of 18" mk 30 Air launched torpedoes
- Depth Charges (Including nuclear)
- Mines

Maximum cruising altitude for the Shackleton Mk 2 was 20,200ft, with a 1,980nm range. (700nm combat patrol radius)

Now for the boring tables.


MR 2

Empty 51,400

Loaded (normal) 84,000

Loaded (max T/0) 86,000

Landing (normal) 72,000

Stores load (with full fuel) 6000 lb

Stores load (max) 15,000


MR I/T.4 MR2 MR3

Wing span 120 120 119.83

Length 77.5 87.3 87.3

Height 17.5 17.5 23.35

Tailplane span 33 33 33

Wheel track 23.75 23.75 23.75

MR I/T.4 MR 2 MR 2 AEW.2 MR 3*


Max speed @ 294 299 286 262 297

12,000 ft**

Max cruise @ 245 249 249 - 253

10,000 ft * *

Long-range cruise 180-200 mph depending on weight

@1500 5000ft

Landing speed** 114 114 116 116 118

Stalling speed** 88 88 92 92 96

Initial rate 1005 920 900 900 850

of climb (ft/min)

Initial rate of climb 592 495 463 460 200

(3 engine)(ft/min)

Ceiling (ft) 20,700 20,200 18,800 - 18,600

Range (nm)*** 2160 1980 1720 - 2300

Radius of 4 hr 780 700 670 - 970

patrol (nm)

Endurance (hrs) 14.8 14.6 13 13 16

(20% reserve)

Max still 3090 2900 2780 2700 1660

air range (nm)

T/O distance 3750 3750 5460 - 5550

(ft) to 50 ft using Water Methanol




If you have any more info, please post. If I have missed anything, I do apologise :crazy: .


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avro_Shackleton Edited by HeartBreak1
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so, was the loose rivet a nickname or did it have a tendency for bolts to come out and hit the other bombers when flying close together lol

Edited by Facehurt
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so, was the loose rivet a nickname or did it have a tendency for bolts to come out and hit the other bombers when flying close together lol


A nickname, 

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You have my full support for this! I was a little disappointed when this wasn't on the planned release tree (Yes I know everything is subject to change etc. etc.)

but I really feel this would be a nice high tier bomber to sit under the Canberra when it gets added...


And come on, how can you not want the happiest plane in existence in the game?!





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You have my full support for this! I was a little disappointed when this wasn't on the planned release tree (Yes I know everything is subject to change etc. etc.)

but I really feel this would be a nice high tier bomber to sit under the Canberra when it gets added...


And come on, how can you not want the happiest plane in existence in the game?!







I was looking for those pictures just now, happy shackleton is happy with cannons for eyes.

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Oh,I want this so xxxxxxx bad! Gib now!

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Nuclear depth charged would be great when ships are in....even though theyre for subs, the shockwave should do some damage.

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Dat nose turret

Nice new avatar :P

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  • 3 months later...

Actually whilst I remember this, if Gaijin really wanted they could release it as one of those premium gift aircraft and have it in a pack with some eagles and what not... Why do I suggest this? All (or most) of the money paid for the pack could be donated to the Shackleton Preservation Trust: http://www.avroshackleton.co.uk/


This charity is currently trying to return an Avro Shackleton to airworthiness and there are some great videos of engine ground runs they've done, like seen below (this one also includes a short clip of what is called the "propellor dance" they do before starting the engines!)




So whilst I would prefer this to be in the standard tech tree, this is just an idea of how it could be implemented

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Nope. None of the Shackleton's had belly or rear armament. And only the Mk 2 had a top turret. GL & HF with that  :Ps

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Nope. None of the Shackleton's had belly or rear armament. And only the Mk 2 had a top turret. GL & HF with that  :Ps


it's because it usually flew low so attacking it from below was not an option

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Its because it's an anti-submarine / maritime patrol aircraft. Not too many fighter planes out in the Atlantic...


Oh, btw:

 The dorsal turret was initially retained, but was later removed from all aircraft after delivery.

(Jefford, C G. RAF Squadrons, first edition 1988, Airlife Publishing, UK, ISBN 1 85310 053 6)







Edited by OpInfo
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  • 10 months later...
Poll added ))

Now the USA have the b29 we should get this, with the 20mm in the rear ))))) Edited by HeartBreak1
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