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Panther M10

The Panther M10 was an attempt, by the Germans, to disguise several PanzerKampfwagen (PzKpfw) V Panther Tanks as American M10 Wolverines. I believe this tank to be a good condiate for a German Premium Tier 3 or Tier 4 tank, especially when the US Tank line is implemented.



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Open for discussion  :salute:


This indeed would be a nice addition to the German Premium line.

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If my limited research is correct, then there is no significant difference outside of aesthetics when compared to a regular Panzerkampfwagen V. At most it was fitted with very thin metal sheeting to cover obvious Panther / German distinctions on the Tank and to give it a more M10 look, along with removal of the Commander's cupola on the turret top.

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If my limited research is correct, then there is no significant difference outside of aesthetics when compared to a regular Panzerkampfwagen V. At most it was fitted with very thin metal sheeting to cover obvious Panther / German distinctions on the Tank and to give it a more M10 look, along with removal of the Commander's cupola on the turret top.

Once they have internal views for tanks (I hope) the removal of the cupola would be a big difference. Gives it a good tradeoff. The appearance may give you a few seconds more from player hesitation in SB, but you have less ability to see around you.
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I can imagine in SB mode, if I ever use tanks there, getting startled by one of these as a german tank and accidentally shooting my buddy, mistaking him for a Hellcat.

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I can imagine in SB mode, if I ever use tanks there, getting startled by one of these as a german tank and accidentally shooting my buddy, mistaking him for a Hellcat.

Unless you're using a T-34-85 lol

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It was a false flag tank? So it's going to drive around with US markings on SB?

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It was a false flag tank? So it's going to drive around with US markings on SB?


Essentially, yes. It was part of an operation during the Battle of the Bulge, created by Hitler himself, to send German soldiers wearing captured U.S. and U.K. equipment (clothing, vehicles, weapons) behind enemy lines in order to capture several key Bridges which were likely to otherwise be destroyed. The mission was commanded by Otto Skorzeny, the man responsible for capturing the son of Hungary's King (forcing his abdication) in "Operation Panzerfaust", and freeing Benito Mussolini in 1943. It is actually a very, very good read and I'm really upset there isn't a movie or a "Band of Brothers"-style mini-series about it.


One of the more weird results from this, although it failed as a whole, was when a squad of Commandos were captured and spread rumours that Eisenhower was to be assassinated, forcing him to be practically imprisoned for a while to avoid it. Another rumour they told was that a man in their group had previously passed-off as Field Marshall Montgomery, giving great paranoia to many Soldiers and, as Montgomery travelled in his personal staff car, was stopped and detained for some 5-hours by American troops.



You can read more here. Sorry if the above is a little off-topic.

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Essentially, yes. It was part of an operation during the Battle of the Bulge, created by Hitler himself, to send German soldiers wearing captured U.S. and U.K. equipment (clothing, vehicles, weapons) behind enemy lines in order to capture several key Bridges which were likely to otherwise be destroyed. The mission was commanded by Otto Skorzeny, the man responsible for capturing the son of Hungary's King (forcing his abdication) in "Operation Panzerfaust", and freeing Benito Mussolini in 1943. It is actually a very, very good read and I'm really upset there isn't a movie or a "Band of Brothers"-style mini-series about it.

One of the more weird results from this, although it failed as a whole, was when a squad of Commandos were captured and spread rumours that Eisenhower was to be assassinated, forcing him to be practically imprisoned for a while to avoid it. Another rumour they told was that a man in their group had previously passed-off as Field Marshall Montgomery, giving great paranoia to many Soldiers and, as Montgomery travelled in his personal staff car, was stopped and detained for some 5-hours by American troops.

You can read more here. Sorry if the above is a little off-topic.

Lol I never heard about the rumors bit. That is pure tactical genius.
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WoW never knew that. :good:  Yes, this would be a really awesome tank .  



It was a false flag tank? So it's going to drive around with US markings on SB?

You should see what i'm going to do with my german sherman when us get's the sherman  :kamikadze: Trick or treat :crazy: 


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One funny anegdote about that operation. Aparently one small group of germans dressed up as americans got caught becouse they asked for "petrol" insted of "gas" for their Jeep at a US post.

Edited by MrMakWASP
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Suggestion passed to developers   :salute:


Thank you for the suggestion  :good:

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  • 3 years later...
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As the Panther M10 got implemented,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions.:salute:

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