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German Float Plane Suggestion; The Bv 238


I really want this.
If this got implemented to the game I will spam the crap out of it until people ragequit

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I would buy this as a Premium hopefully it gets added. 

Why do premium if you can do regular? 

Edited by Fifty_Calories
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Why do premium if you can do regular?

because sometimes you had no chance, and seeing the impressive production of one them can pretty much arguably doing a high tier prem of this one, it only depends on gaijin.

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ha ha ha, from the list of armaments you give, this thing sounds like it was studded with guns! but only one ever built, huh? i dunno... maybe as some kind of super-special super-rare prize plane. handing a plane bristling with that many guns to anyone willing to grind for it or shell out some gold sounds op (unless it gets tiered so high it become fast fighter-food) or at the very least difficult to assign an appropriate br to


since it was destroyed, are the documents reliable and complete?


well, even if it is not added as a -flyable- craft, i bet it would make a GREAT subject for missions to attack/escort this monster!

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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

Moved to Implemented suggestions as this vehicle was added in Update 1.63 "Desert Hunters".

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