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In the hangar, Allow for damage skin preview


The title say sit all.


Very simple, It would be very helpful for skin makers like myself to preview damage skins to see what they look like on the plane. It would also be essayer to do it that way then having to go into battle and deliberately let your plane get shot up just to see how it looks or if it is the right damage skin.


Hope you like this and please support. :yes:

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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator
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If you want to preview your damage skins - simple copy the TGA file over the main TGA file in the planes userskin directory.  Just as you do when you change the skin to your own design - only you are using your damage design.  It really does pop up on the Hanger Deck.  I created a .BAT file to automatically copy the four different TGA files over the main TGA file in the planes userskin directory.  I placed a pause command between each copy command, so I can review my changes on each TGA file, before hitting the spacebar to see the next....  give it a try...

Edited by BlindBat_Hartley

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If you want to preview your damage skins - simple copy the TGA file over the main TGA file in the planes userskin directory.  Just as you do when you change the skin to your own design - only you are using your damage design.  It really does pop up on the Hanger Deck.  I created a .BAT file to automatically copy the four different TGA files over the main TGA file in the planes userskin directory.  I placed a pause command between each copy command, so I can review my changes on each TGA file, before hitting the spacebar to see the next....  give it a try...

Oh yeah, I have to do that for all 28 of my skin pack skins? :kamikadze:


EDIT: You claim to have made a ".BAT file" and you don't even provide it? How do we know you really made it, or if it even exists? :dntknw: :learn:

On a 2nd note, you don't even explain what (If any) tool it would work with.

Unless you can prove that "Your .BAT file" even exists by providing us with it, or better yet, posting a video demonstrating it, then your idea is dismissed. :facepalm:


After all, we want a easy was to switch between the normal skin, and the damage skin with just a few clicks within the game. No bother, no waiting.


EDIT 2: Typos.

Edited by SAUBER_KH7
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Okay, you can use your spoiler - and I'll take my all purpose DOS command BAT file - and go home...
Good Luck
Edited by BlindBat_Hartley

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These are great ideas - I only hope the DEV Staff is taking the time to read them...  And if they are, maybe they should rubberstamp them to let us know they were here - and what they think of our ideas....

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Okay, sorry - I did not think a simple copy command BAT file needed an explanation - my mistake.
I keep forgetting not everyone started out punching data cards and moving hard wiring to program computers, like I did 100- years ago - Not everyone is a Computer Engineer and CO2 Laser Technician. Or has worked for NASA, Intel, Microage, Microchip, Motorola, the Defense Department, and half a dozen other Microcircuit manufactures - like I did... And Not everyone today has even heard of DOS COMMANDS... 
But there used to be this way of talking directly to your computer (before Windows F@#%@d Up the industry), called DOS.  and one of the ways you programmed repetitive functions was to write a BATCH FILE - or .BAT File.  Windows still has the ability to access .BAT FILES if you tell it to assign the COMMAND PROMPT (you'll find it in your Windows Accessories file) as the default to open and execute all .BAT File types. 
I installed WarThunder on my External 36-TeraByte Hard Drive, not the C: Drive, so the beginning part pertains to where on the H: drive the userskin files are located on MY system.  You will change this for your system...  A similar BAT file works with the Planes as well...  I haven't gotten all of the 5th level tanks yet, and for brevity sake - I truncated (shortened) the file to only include German Tanks: The original is set for all Tanks in the game...  The name of the Userskin Camo file may need to be tweaked - I guessed by putting a "Tiger_Green" placeholder in the line, since I haven't seen the file name yet...  That way, I can make the correction in a second, after buying the new tank...
Here is a BAT file I created to change all of my german tanks over to an Autum leaves Camo pattern.  I can double click the BAT file and instantly change ALL of my tanks to my desired camo patterns, moments before spawning in, to change them to match the scenario.  It is just a shame no one else can see them...  At the bottom I included an example of the BAT file I used to test my Airplane skins...  Once again, one click changes to review all four skins....
The following file takes a file named Camo_HA_Autum.tga (which I created and stored in sub-directory called Downloaded Camo Files, in the Userskins directory) and overwrites it on top of each German Tank's Userskin's Camo file.
cd gaijin
cd WarThunder
cd UserSkins
cd Downloaded Camo Files
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_sdkfz_6_2_flak36\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_flakpanzer_I_ausf_A\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_flakpanzer_IV_Kugelblitz\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_jgdpz_Hetzer\ger_camo_Tiger_Green.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_jgdpz_IV_L48\ger_camo_Tiger_Green.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pz_IV_L70\ger_camo_Tiger.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pz_IV_L70_A\ger_camo_Tiger.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_jgdpz_Marder_III\ger_camo_Tiger.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_jgdpz_Panther\ger_camo_Tiger.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_jgdpz_Tiger\ger_camo_Tiger.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_jgdpz_Tiger_P_Ferdinand\ger_camo_Tiger.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_jgdpz_38t\ger_camo_dunkelgelb.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_38t_ausf_A\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_38t_ausf_F\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_II_ausf_C\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_II_ausf_F\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_III_ausf_E\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_III_ausf_F\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_III_ausf_L\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_III_ausf_M\ger_camo_Dunkelgelb.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_IV_ausf_C\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_IV_ausf_F\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_IV_ausf_G\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_IV_ausf_H\ger_camo_Tiger_Green.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_IV_ausf_F2\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_V_ausf_A_panther\ger_camo_dunkelgelb.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_V_ausf_D_panther\ger_camo_Tiger_Green.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_V_ausf_G_panther\ger_camo_Tiger_Green.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_V_panther_II\ger_camo_Tiger_Green.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_VI_ausf_B_Tiger\ger_camo_Tiger_Green.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_VI_ausf_B_Tiger_H\ger_camo_Tiger_Green.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_VI_ausf_B_Tiger_KWK_105\ger_camo_Tiger_Green.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_pzkpfw_VI_ausf_H1_Tiger\ger_camo_Tiger_Green.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_stug_40_ausf_G\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_stug_III_ausf_A\ger_camo_grey.tga
Copy /Y Camo_HA_Autum.tga ..\template_germ_stug_III_ausf_F\ger_camo_grey.tga
I hope you can see the patterns in order to write your own BAT files.  Of course, you need to tell Windows to use the Command Prompt to execute all BAT files.  ECHO means show on the screen the following text.  I used this to see where it is in the changes - so if there is a mistake I can see where.  CD means change directory to the following directory name.  CD.. means change to the directory one step towards the root directory.  CD\ means return to root directory.  CLS means Clear the Screen of all writing. COPY means copy the following file - to the following address. /Y means  YES  overwrite without asking me.  For more details - look up DOS COMMANDS on wiki...  Sorry if you're confused - this is as basic as it gets...
This next BAT file I used to test my Airplane Userskins at the Hangar...  I use Caps Lock to differentiate between the source file and THE DESTINATION LOCATION. (This is for your sake - DOS COMMANDS are not case sensitive)  I just copied (not Moved) all of the userskin directories over to a subdirectory I called MYPLANESKINS.  I made my modifications. and saved a BAT file like the following one to the directory and named it TEST.BAT
cd gaijin
cd WarThunder
cd UserSkins
cd MyPlaneSkins
cd template_b_25j_1
copy /y a_25j_usaaf_silver_c.tga ../../TEMPLATE_B_25j_1/TEMPLATE_A_25J_USAAF_SILVER_C.TGA
copy /y a_25j_usaaf_silver_n.tga ../../TEMPLATE_B_25j_1/TEMPLATE_A_25J_USAAF_SILVER_C.TGA
copy /y a_25j_usaaf_silver_c_dmg.tga ../../TEMPLATE_B_25j_1/TEMPLATE_A_25J_USAAF_SILVER_C.TGA
copy /y a_25j_usaaf_silver_n_dmg.tga ../../TEMPLATE_B_25j_1/TEMPLATE_A_25J_USAAF_SILVER_C.TGA
ECHO Restoring all files to use your new modifications.
copy /y a_25j_usaaf_silver_c.tga ../../TEMPLATE_B_25j_1/TEMPLATE_A_25J_USAAF_SILVER_C.TGA
copy /y a_25j_usaaf_silver_n.tga ../../TEMPLATE_B_25j_1/TEMPLATE_A_25J_USAAF_SILVER_N.TGA
copy /y a_25j_usaaf_silver_c_dmg.tga ../../TEMPLATE_B_25j_1/TEMPLATE_A_25J_USAAF_SILVER_C_DMG.TGA
copy /y a_25j_usaaf_silver_n_dmg.tga ../../TEMPLATE_B_25j_1/TEMPLATE_A_25J_USAAF_SILVER_N_DMG.TGA
Like I said, all you need to do is change the name of the directories to match the name locations in your computer...  And of course,  hit the HANGAR'S REFRESH BUTTON after each pause appears on the Command Prompt Window....  This will take the new tga file and bring it up on the hangar...  OH, YES!  I almost forgot - you have to run WarThunder in Window mode - to be able to access your directory holding your BAT FILES...
Good Luck


Okay 1, use a Spoiler next time. See my profile to see how you can make one. :yes:

2: Sounds a little complicated even for me. :?s  So If they would just add a button you can press that says: "Previwe Damage Skin" That would be much more simple. :yes:

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DarkAuthority, on 24 Oct 2014 - 8:05 PM, said:snapback.png



I received the following post for attempting to open a dozen conversations to fix WarThunder.  All of my posts were polite, concise, and direct and to the point.  None of them made it to the board (its been three weeks now).  Instead, I have been forced to add these very same comments to other conversations, started by others, and (sort of) redirect the conversation to my new subject.  And that was fine... All of those posts remained posted...  


But when I wrote the DEV and asked why my posts were unaccepted I received the following warning:


Warning issued by Emperor_Tiberius for Rule Breaking in Profile
Given 2 points - expire on Nov 24 2014 08:13 PM.
Content moderated for 3 days
Ability to create content removed for 24 hours.

You have continued to post invalid threads in the suggestions forums even after being warned not to do so here. Even though your posts were not approved, you are still responsible for what you say the instant you hit "submit."

As such restrictions have been placed on your account, further infractions will be punished even more harshly.



I guess that tells me everything you already stated.  NO ONE is interested in what we are discussing here...


I know that this is off topic, but if you did all caps stuff like "STOP THAT" in places, is a NO NO. Other then that, I feel you were at least decent in your thoughts, but not words. I think you just need some advice and constructive council from the staff. In fact, you should contact them, and ask them what they feel would help you in your situation, and will most likely help you achieve your goal: Fix the game. :yes:

Edited by SAUBER_KH7
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Definetely +1 !!!
Also the ability to "strafe" along the plane in the hangar, in order to facilitate error-spotting in hard to spot places and to take screenshots. Currently, the center of rotation around the plane is situated in the cockpit area. A sort of free cam would be a gift from heaven. Edited by Schroer

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Definetely +1 !!!
Also the ability to "strafe" along the plane in the hangar, in order to facilitate error-spotting in hard to spot places and to take screenshots. Currently, the center of rotation around the plane is situated in the cockpit area. A sort of free cam would be a gift from heaven.


i would love to be able to see the plane's underside

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Also the ability to "strafe" along the plane in the hangar, in order to facilitate error-spotting in hard to spot places and to take screenshots. Currently, the center of rotation around the plane is situated in the cockpit area. A sort of free cam would be a gift from heaven.


i would love to be able to see the plane's underside


 +10 to both

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they better fix the skin reset issue before this honestly

I think it is rather a memory storage problem they have yet to fix. If they can fix that, that would be nice too.



i would love to be able to see the plane's underside

I never really thought about that much, but I would love to be able to see the plane's underside too. It would be good for adding Decals such as AF markings that can ONLY be seen from the underside! :good:

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I think it is rather a memory storage problem they have yet to fix. If they can fix that, that would be nice too.


I never really thought about that much, but I would love to be able to see the plane's underside too. It would be good for adding Decals such as AF markings that can ONLY be seen from the underside! :good:

The reset issue came in 1.41


it was FLAWLESS in 1.39


i had all planes applied with skins and game gave zero Fs

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  • 4 years later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As the ability to see a damage skin preview in the hangar has been implemented,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions.:salute:

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