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T-5 Pantera


This is of coarse captured panthers used by the Red army. The units that used them as far as I can work out are, the 511th Tank Regiment,991st self-propelled gun regiment, and the 366th guards heavy Sp gun regiment. There were possibly more. I do know that the 366th used Ausf G's and A's.



The Panther equipped tank company under command of Gds.Lt. Sotnikow vic. Praga (Warsaw`s suburb), Poland. Aug.1944


The main role these captured Panthers were used in were for anti-tank use and were only given to the most battle experienced crews/units. This Panther if accepted should only be used as a premium tank.

When I research more information I will post it.

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putting yet an other copy past captured premium in the game ...... yeah that's a good idea I'm sure the community will love it





KV-2 107mm







+ some lend lease British that peoples would love to see since the British are a long way off

Edited by II_RED_II
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I will also remind you that the T-44-100 was a failed variant, it was never used because the turret ring on the T-44's could not hold up to the recoil of the 100 mm. The 76i and the SG-122 have already been suggested. The Kv-2-107 also failed during testing due to poor accuracy and the Zis-6 broke during testing among other things.

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I was really sorry when I saw that the captured KV-1 is a premium in the german tech tree, would have been a nice piece in my garage. The russian panther will be a nice addition to the game.

I hope the devs will model them with some beaten up side-skirts like on the photos :)s



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  • 3 years later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As the T-V got added as a reward during the thunder league,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions.:salute:

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