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Sound of tank shot travelling through air


I saw the movie Fury recently and one of the things that amazed me the most was the sound effects in battle. Particularly when the tank shots whizzed past. Could we get sounds from shots passing by implemented in the game? Se video below at 0.23 for example. (Please don't attack me if this is some made up Hollywood effect and has no place in War Thunder, I just thought it sounded awesome and would really intensify the tank combat in game)



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I think the sounds could be tweaked to have the sonic crack and if anything the sound of the gun in the distance after the fact (I know this from operating targets on ranges you get the crack of the round then the sound of the weapon after).


In terms of the sound of rounds flying through the air though maybe there could be a slight change, but nothing too Hollywood.

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I think the sounds could be tweaked to have the sonic crack and if anything the sound of the gun in the distance after the fact (I know this from operating targets on ranges you get the crack of the round then the sound of the weapon after).


In terms of the sound of rounds flying through the air though maybe there could be a slight change, but nothing too Hollywood.


On the battlefield, with lots of artillery / PaK firing in addition to the players, I doubt that you will actually notice the report of a gun aimed at you if you are not observing the guy...

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On the battlefield, with lots of artillery / PaK firing in addition to the players, I doubt that you will actually notice the report of a gun aimed at you if you are not observing the guy...

 True a range isn't a battlefield scenario, but it is possible if it is isolated.


Watching footage from conflicts show there is a sound of projectiles flying through the air when they pass overhead, its more prevalent with artillery though.

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Yep, but only if they fly overhead. If they impact close to you there should be no sound before the impact.

Yes I agree on this, just overhead shots, close impacts no.


Right now there are sounds, at least for small caliber airplane ammunition when it flies past you. But I just jumped into a battle and there was no sound at all when a tank shot flies past you.  

Yeah I guess it is a lowish priority but it would be good if we get the sonic crack and the overhead miss sounds.

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  • 4 years later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As ammo flying past your vehicle has sound for a while now,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions.:salute:

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