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The Flakpanzer IV "Zerstörer 45"


Doing some research on Wehrmacht Flakpanzers, I came across this nice vehicle. Yes it would be a prototype with only one every build in 1945 but isn't the Coelian one as well? So why not suggest it anyways. Okay now back to the technical stuff: what I would suggest for implementation in the game is the Flakpanzer IV "Zerstörer 45", which is a new design of self-propelled anti-air vehicle. It entered protoype phase in 1945 with either one or two build and tested before the end of the war.




This Flakpanzer being a straight upgrade from the "Wirbelwind" we already have in game, changing the size of the turret slightly and adding a quad-30mm Mk103/38 weapon station instead of the quad-20mm on the previous model.



Hence the armament, this would be a nice addition in German tier 4 ground forces being placed right after the Kugelblitz because it surpasses it in weaponry and firepower by the double. As a big fan of self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicles, this would probably be my favorite vehicle to use.

Let me know what you think and maybe we can have nice things in the future. Maybe even quite "SoonTM"!  :crazy:



(PS: Still searching for good sources for the Zerstörer. Trying to get my hands on "Der Panzerkampfwagen IV und seine Abarten" for further research. Will update if I find anything!)

Edited by Markenzwieback
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Remind me to leave that comment each time someone posts images with hammer and sickle.

Don't start :facepalm:

especially in a suggestion thread where someone has put a lot of effort into making it.


Edit: OP, replace it with this 



Edited by Gerako98
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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

Don't start :facepalm:

especially in a suggestion thread where someone has put a lot of effort into making it.


Edit: OP, replace it with this 



thank you, changed it for the OP.



Remind me to leave that comment each time someone posts images with hammer and sickle.

do not start that here.

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This would be good, but PLEASE no HVAP ammo for this... one Kugelblitz is enough, 4x Mk103 nooo no no noooo... no more tank killer AAA bullshit please... give it HEF/AP-I ammo and it will be awesome! put it in the game but no more HVAP ammo !!!!

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thank you, changed it for the OP.


Thank you very much!  :good: Was away at Uni so I couldnt fix it.


This would be good, but PLEASE no HVAP ammo for this... one Kugelblitz is enough, 4x Mk103 nooo no no noooo... no more tank killer AAA bullshit please... give it HEF/AP-I ammo and it will be awesome! put it in the game but no more HVAP ammo !!!!

Remove HVAP ammo for all AA vehicles, at least thats my opinion. 


And back to topic: Wow! Didn't expect so many comments already. Three hours away for Uni and my topic gets swarmed. Nothing bad about it though!  :lol:

Edited by Markenzwieback
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You sure that one prototype was build?

When i found picture of quad mk103 (which you used in op) few months ago I immediately started looking if some vehicle was equiped with this. Found some info about Zerstörer but all sources (forums mostly, half of them were russian so i had to use Google translator. Maybe i was lost in translation) i checked said no prototype

However it would be nice to have it in game
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10th +1 from me, I support it! Since US heavy bombers will come lasers blazing soon,this beast of an AA will probably prove itself as very useful.

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You sure that one prototype was build?

When i found picture of quad mk103 (which you used in op) few months ago I immediately started looking if some vehicle was equiped with this. Found some info about Zerstörer but all sources (forums mostly, half of them were russian so i had to use Google translator. Maybe i was lost in translation) i checked said no prototype

Thats exactly why I want to get my hands on "Der Panzerkampfwagen IV und seine Abarten". Its the most quoted source I could find. Sadly wasn't able to get it yet...


Edit: also this book seems to contain good info: "Der Weg zum Flak-Panzer Gepard. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der deutschen Flugabwehrpanzer." But yet again no open copy available on the web and dont want to purchase them atm.


Edit 2: one could also suggest the Ostwind II (again not sure if prototype already or still blueprint phase) with the 37mm Flak-Zwilling 44. Even fewer info is available about that thing.

Edited by Markenzwieback
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all my gib ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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The Kugelblitz was also a prototype with only specuation as to whether it was actually used at all. So you lose out on the covered turret of the Kugelblitz but get 2 extra MK 103s, sounds like a good deal to me. +1

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