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105 mm Gun Tank M60A1 Patton



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  1. 1. Would you like to see the M60A1 Patton in the game?

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With the recent news of the plans to add tanks such as the Leopard 1 and the T-62A, I propose to add the American equivalent of those vehicles - the M60A1 Patton MBT.


Technical data of the vehicle:



Gun data:



1:48 scale schematic:



Photographs of the vehicle:









The source for all this is the book "Patton. The History of the American Main Battle Tank" by R.P. Hunnicutt.

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Yes yes yes. I also hope the M48 with the 105mm will be in game too (though that may be redundant). T-55, T-62, M48, and M60 are my all time favorite tank designs.
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I am all for this!! And to be honest it is only fair if the Leopard I and T-62A are added to the game. I also don't get why the T29 and T34 have been left out of the American heavy branch. Hopefully one of them will make a premium one day soon.

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Bonkers, add a poll.


Otherwise, great OP, presents the vehicle in question in a clear manner, nothing below what I expect from you. Though I'd like to hear your arguments for this tank's addition besides the obvious ones.


As for the question, yes, the M60 would be a good counter to the T-62, hopefully alongside the Leopard I, AMX 30 and Centurion MkVII.

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Leopard one sounds good, also would like to see M48 in German tech tree because unlike other export vehicles the Germans altered the tank quite a lot with a new cupola and other various technical changes

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ok we add it, about half a year after the Leopard and T-62 just to show the American players how it was to fight Sabres in Komets and Schwalben before we got the CL-13 and MiG


You waited so long for those because they had to debate back and forth what the right answer was, whereas the US has lots of stuff that fits in easily. Not our fault Germany lost.

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You waited so long for those because they had to debate back and forth what the right answer was, whereas the US has lots of stuff that fits in easily. Not our fault Germany lost.

THIS is the most stupid argument any WT player can use at any time... it's a game and should in no way be influenced by who won a war more than half a century in the past^^

Edited by Asgar1205
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THIS is the most stupid argument any WT player can use at any time... it's a game and should in no way be influenced by who won a war more than half a century in the past^^

The thing is, they did lose. Extremely limiting Germany and Japan's vehicles. 

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THIS is the most stupid argument any WT player can use at any time... it's a game and should in no way be influenced by who won a war more than half a century in the past^^


It honestly isn't anybody else's fault that Germany lost. Why should the US be punished because the developers were slow to make a big decision? I want to hear your logic. 


So far it's based on the US clubbed German jets so now you need to club US tanks, right? Well, that wasn't even the idea behind putting the Sabre into the game. It was just a nasty side-effect that admittedly took longer to fix than should have. They put the MiG-15Bis into the game (Incorrectly labeled as the MiG-15), and the US needed a counterpart. the answer was simple, to put the Sabre in. that's how the game got its initial deadline. The side effect came in when the match making didn't quite work out as it should have.




Let's straighten this out:


Germany didn't get anything for a long time because: A) They would have had to cap it at tier 4, or B) Would have had to extend the timeline. This was because they lost World War Two, and they couldn't produce tanks/planes (Also why they got vehicles from Russia, the US, and the UK.), and why their production only started developmental phases in the late fifties and production into the sixties.



Now you're saying that the US tree needs to sit and beg for an M60 and have a six month(+) waiting period as some kind of vengeance for Germany? 

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wow... such a long text to repeat a single sentence i said....yes that's what i meant... because even though the American have every single advantage on their site, there are still people suggesting (even open an actual suggestion thread) to remove the CL-13 because "it is OP ...or even better "it would be OP if it had it's correct FM", but it has the same exact FM as the Sabres... and still they're whing, because they want to club 262's without being bothered by better pilots in equal planes.... that's what Murica is... They should get a hard hit in the face to learn not to cry all the time it's called "Lernen durch Schmerz" and it is what the Murican players need.

War Thunder should've been what gaijin actually knows how to do... a WWII game.... but they decided to make it wwII + korea, knowing that it  would (or intending to?) break the game and who would've thought? it did, it broke the whole Tier V.... just because mother Russia wasn't able to produce jets before the war ended... and wasn't able to produce anything usefull till the Korean war^^

Edited by Asgar1205
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wow... such a long text to repeat a single sentence i said....yes that's what i meant... because even though the American have every single advantage on their site, there are still people suggesting (even open an actual suggestion thread) to remove the CL-13 because "it is OP ...or even better "it would be OP if it had it's correct FM", but it has the same exact FM as the Sabres... and still they're whing, because they want to club 262's without being bothered by better pilots in equal planes.... that's what Murica is... They should get a hard hit in the face to learn not to cry all the time it's called "Lernen durch Schmerz" and it is what the Murican players need.

War Thunder should've been what gaijin actually knows how to do... a WWII game.... but they decided to make it wwII + korea, knowing that it  would (or intending to?) break the game and who would've thought? it did, it broke the whole Tier V.... just because mother Russia wasn't able to produce jets before the war ended... and wasn't able to produce anything usefull till the Korean war^^


You missed the quote button...



The CL-13 needs to be fixed...It fights for the wrong side. I could care less what the DM or FM is, but the problem is that it isn't supposed to fight for east Germany. My opinion is not based on me clubbing 262's (And if I might add, the few times I have seen 262's in my A5 sabre, they're usually kicking ass), it's simply that they need to have the correct matching. 


Also, learning through pain is not the right way to go. You want your parents to smack you every time you do something wrong (Or, do you hit your kid every time they do something wrong)? do you hit your dog repeatedly to house train it? do you hit your husband/wife every time they do something that displeases you?



As far as I can see, you seem to have a strong opinion that anything done to aid other countries is absolutely unthinkable and that Germany needs to be the big kid on the block (Besides the fact that you seem to be a supporter of hitting and or teasing people/things to teach them lessons...). It isn't the case. it really isn't. I'll be one to admit, I am slightly biased towards the US (Navy, primarily), because that was the way I was brought up (And I don't recall ever claiming to be unbiased. If you find a comment stating otherwise, i'll fix it.). All the males on my dads side of the family did navy this and SEAL's that. 


The discussion here is over; There's a viable competitor for the Leopard, and my guess is that it will probably be added at one point or another. 


P.S. Do yourself and I a favor. Don't group all US players into one big group... we're not all the same. I've never clubbed any german jets unless I had an issue with one of the pilots on the other team. Then they'll get my attention. I probably fly my Arado (Best tier 24) and He-162 quite a bit.

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