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Missing German Heer, Elite and Cold War unit decals in ground battle


Hi members!


I was very glad, when i saw the new decals in the game, but I think need a topic to the missing German ground unit decals yet.

some example

Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 501 - INGAME!! (UNIQUE DECAL)




Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (Michael Wittmann's last unit)




Schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung 512 (with Jagdtigers)




And more others.

I wait the remarks and ideas!



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Maybe wold be, if don't contain forbidden symbol.

Like the:

9. SS-Panzer-Division Hohenstaufen




or the 10.SS-Panzer-Division Frundsberg




I think these units were the elite maybe the all world in WW2. Miss theirs decals... 

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They never allow SS unit decals, no matter how they look, due to the fact that the Waffen-SS was condemned as a criminal organization at the Nurnburg trials.

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The red star is in my country a forbidden autocracy symbol (public use) like the swastika and the SS runes too!

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A specialty: Fallschirm-Panzer Division 1. "Hermann Göring"


The Panther was the special disc camouflage with centaur decal and under the identification symbol



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The red star is in my country a forbidden autocracy symbol (public use) like the swastika and the SS runes too!


Sure, but I doubt that hungary has the same kind of sales figures as Germany and France (and all the other countries who have banned nazi symbols).

In other words, the number of countries that have banned the red star and the hammer and sickle are far fewere and have a far lesser impact on the game than those who have banned the swastika and SS runes (which would be most of the western world).

And then there's the fact that there is a difference in legislation when it comes to depiction of historical vehicles and such, where some countries like germany forbid even that in some instances, while the vast majority of countries allow it.

I'm not sure about hungary specifically, but I doubt the law is as draconian as the german one.

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I don't say, that let it be forbidden german symbol in the game, because it use red stars. I say the units symbols usage is to everybody individual aspect.


I say was red star and elite SS panzer unit decals (without forbidden parts) too.

like the famous "Springender Teufel" (Jumping Devil) - 2.Pz.Regt., Division Das Reich - Kursk - Operation Citadel




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An other symbol from Sicily in 1943: Pz.Abt.215, 15Pz.Gren.Division


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I don't say, that let it be forbidden german symbol in the game, because it use red stars. I say the units symbols usage is to everybody individual aspect.


I say was red star and elite SS panzer unit decals (without forbidden parts) too.

like the famous "Springender Teufel" (Jumping Devil)





The point is that some symbols can't be implemented in the game because that would make it illegal to play for a rather large group of players.

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The point is that some symbols can't be implemented in the game because that would make it illegal to play for a rather large group of players.

I accept this. This could be an infinite long exchange of views.


I say just two thing and over.

This was the WWII with Stugs, PzIVs and Tigers and with Wehrmacht and SS panzer units. I think when someone like these tanks, belongs these units too in the history.

In this query is possible to refer to the war crimes, but made these things the panzer units?


The developers decide, which unit markers put into the game.

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I saw in the game the Panzer Regiment 6., Panzer Division 3. decal and I think could looks better and could be historical, if put a black shield under the symbol.





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Schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung 88 - Nashorn unit 1943-45



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3. Panzer-Division

3-PD-4.gif  3-PD-2.gif





unit badge on a Tauchpanzer IV from the Panzer Regiment 18.


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Hi members!


I was very glad, when i saw the new decals in the game, but I think need a topic to the missing German ground unit decals yet.

some example

Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 501



This decal is already in WT it was an unique decal for GF beta supporters:



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This decal is already in WT it was an unique decal for GF beta supporters:



Oh, I understand.  :(s



I don't saw these decals earlier in the game. I think us doesn't make sense to ask for share these to others.

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That is gonna be implemented.


Not this, but the 10th Panzer Division!


but here are two frequent Stug unit, what don't gonna be implemented yet.

StuG.-Abteilung 192





Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 226

226-StugBrig.gif  bad (ugly) copy






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Panzer Division 23.





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Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 506 - ingame




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Schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung 559 - Jagdpanther unit 1944-45






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An other famous Wehrmacht unit:

Panzer Grenadier Division Großdeutschland - This would be important according to me











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