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Sud-Ouest SO.8000 Narval (Narwhal)


First, I know this plane has been metioned in the independent French Tech tree, but I highly doubt the French will get a tech tree of their own. Paper/partial prototype mid-tier tanks, paper/prototype mid-tier planes, so-so mid-tier ships.  :(s  not sure if Gaijin has said anything beyond soon™.


Second, maybeeeee too early for hype, but I like contraprops, naval planes, Frenchies, German engines, pusher planes, so why not?


Third, there isn't much accessible data out there about this, even though prototypes were built, flown, and eventually discarded.



(Ayyyy fan art)



SO! Basically this is a late tier 4, post war French Naval, Contrarotating, German-powered-French-modified fighter-bomber-interceptor-attacker with a pusher Arsenal 12H (Jumo 213) with that water-methanol injection thingy that German pilots crave with either 4 or 6 20mm (image and some other source differ) mounted in/under nose. Has twin 3-bladed props. Proposed hardpoints underwings for 1000kg of bombs.


OK, to get it out of the way, its a 1949 plane.


(Second prototype)


Predicted top speed was 453mph (730kph) at 7500-8000m, but I guess with some defects in the prototypes it was actually closer to 700kph.


Prototypes were (sadly) unarmed. But, look at the Ho 229, unarmed and incomplete, and with a touch of hype, gifted with 2 x MK103 and Jumo 004Ds. R2Y2s, paper planes but necessary to fill in gap. If this plane ever makes it in, model the second prototype (first to fly, improvements over the first, different placed pilot tube).


Good thing this isn't a canard layout plane ._. J7W1 and XP-55 aren't doing so well.



There was also a proposal to make it jet-power, but that was quickly dropped (SO.8010)


Sorry, don't have much other info to put out, can take a look at the sources for a bit more background info and the French's attempted fixes to cure problems.




Sources (most from https://oldmachinepress.wordpress.com/2014/01/25/sud-ouest-sncaso-so-8000-narval/):

The Complete Book of Fighters by William Green and Gordon Swanborough (1994)
Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft 1949-1950 by Leonard Bridgman (1949)
Aircraft Engines of the World 1951 by Paul H. Wilkinson (1951)


(There was another book I have, just can't seem to find it, that talked about Sud-Ouest aircraft)






Trivia- There's a plane in Skycrawlers that's a mix of this and say a Ju 388 nose, forgot what it's called.

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Open for discussion.  :salute:

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  • 4 months later...

Aaaand here we go! after 2 years this guy's dream of this plane in the game will now come true! congrats man!

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If he retreats towards the ennemy, the honour is safe...



Edited by _Cyanure_
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On 1-2-2018 at 8:10 PM, EpicBlitzkrieg87 said:

This should be moved to "Implemented Suggestions"

Yeah why is this still here? xD

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4 hours ago, Nell_Lucifer said:

Interesting, this suggestion is still open but the plane is already in game, maybe because of the option for 4 x 20 mm Hispano?

I'm guessing the mods haven't noticed yet

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  • 3 months later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

And it just got noticed, And as it got added per 1.73.


Moved to Implemented Suggestions.:salute:

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