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Tiger I E with 8.8/L71 KwK43


Since Germany doesnt really has any great T-IV premiums(Turretless TD and decent heavy I suppose) I though I suggest a Experimental Tiger I with the KwK43


Sadly it looks likes there isnt much data on it

Could only find this snippet+Source of it on the web


Supposed Source is "Motorbuch-Verlag "Der Panzerkampfwagen Tiger und seine Abarten" from Spielberger, Doyle Erweiterter Band 7 german Edition
contains on Page 101"


Since I sadly don't own that book I couldnt check


Not much to say about itself, would be a Contender for  Prem T-IV BR 6.0/6.3

and the increased Penetration would be helpful for uptiered matches(fighting 6.7/7.0 matches)



Also maybe anyone else got some more Infos/Sources of it?

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I've always preferred Tiger I's shape compared to Tiger II's but found the KwK 36 severely lacking at higher tiers. This will solve the problem

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My position on this is entirely based on if it existed or not.

Hulls + Turret were delivered but I can't find anything what happened to them

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This would make a good alternative to the Tiger P that is currently at 6.0.


Was it built? or just paper like the luchs 50mm

The Panzer II Ausf. H with the 50mm was built, but only as prototypes.

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This would make a good alternative to the Tiger P that is currently at 6.0.


The Panzer II Ausf. H with the 50mm was built, but only as prototypes.

source? There's no photos and the only one it brings up is the open roof one


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source? There's no photos and the only one it brings up is the open roof one

The always reliable Wikipedia. I was meaning the one we have ingame right now, its got an open roof. Just has a tarp over it for some strange reason.

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i somehow doubt that the gun and ammo would've fit in a well working manner into a Tiger I

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I believe this was a failed project as the turret on the Tiger 1 couldn't accomodate the extra weight/recoil on the longer 88mm gun, one of the reasons why the Tiger II was built?

If it were possible, then why wasn't all existing Tigers in WWII retrofitted with the longer 88? :3

Edited by Thunder421
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I believe this was a failed project as the turret on the Tiger 1 couldn't accomodate the extra weight/recoil on the longer 88mm gun, one of the reasons why the Tiger II was built?

If it were possible, then why wasn't all existing Tigers in WWII retrofitted with the longer 88? :3

~300kg more weight for the KwK43 to the KwK 36 I believe

As to if it was a n failed project, thats something I cant answer because I cant find much about it at all

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I believe this tank didn't reach testings, it was impossible to fit the L/71 inside the turret of the Tiger I...

Google Tiger I and King Tiger's turrets, the lenght difference is huge!

Edited by Volger50616
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If it were possible, then why wasn't all existing Tigers in WWII retrofitted with the longer 88? :3

At that point, the Germans probably decided that the Tiger II would be a better alternative, same gun but much better armoured than the Tiger I.

But, I do support this.

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I believe this was a failed project as the turret on the Tiger 1 couldn't accomodate the extra weight/recoil on the longer 88mm gun, one of the reasons why the Tiger II was built?

If it were possible, then why wasn't all existing Tigers in WWII retrofitted with the longer 88? :3

It's because the KwK43/L/71 was too big for the turret, when fired the breech would literally hit the back of the turret.

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It's because the KwK43/L/71 was too big for the turret, when fired the breech would literally hit the back of the turret.

wasn't something similiar with the russian BL-9 gun? i think i've read it could even hapen that it turned somebody who was behind it to... something that had to be scrapped of the wall

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