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The 'Super Conqueror'



282 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Super Conqueror be added to the tree?

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    • No

Now before I get into this I will make a disclaimer. The Information regarding this vehicle may change drastically over the course due to the fact sources on it are still being unearthed and some things I mention here could very well be wrong. Some sources may not be given competed due to certain reasons. However I urge anyone who has sources or information upon this vehicle to please add to this thread. There might also be a few statements which will go off a few hear say aspects of what has apparently been unearthed as it's slightly limited the information currently.


Now to the 'Super Conqueror' this suggestion is for a separate vehicle, not an upgrade. So this would be placed after the Conqueror MK II. 


For those who don't know. This Conqueror was to be given applique armour upon the upper plate and front of the turret. These burster plates were spaced armour designed to reduce the effect of HESH and HEAT. It comprised of multiple 14mm plates upon a 20mm mount.




This is what the Conqueror would have looked like.




However apparently it was to be given a brand new ballistic shaped turret which looked like this.




This was also coupled with this as well which was the armour of this new ballistic turret.




Which would make the Turret front 343mm's thick and the sides 177mm's thick. 


Now while a lot of people consider this a insane upgrade upon the current turret in game, according to documentation that turret is incorrect. The apparent front of the real Conqueror MK 2 turret is 10 inches thick at the front, which would make it 254mm's thick.

The reason why this has been shown to be incorrect is because the ultra sound and armour thickness measuring equipment keeps failing on the Conquerors turret. And this isn't a one off case, different equipment has been used on different Conquerors and none of them have given a proper accurate reading apparently. 


The gun, as far as I'm aware on the Super Conqueror is the same L1A1 or A2 used on the production Conquerors. However I have heard of trials of Conquerors being armed with the L11 gun, whether it was this vehicle is something i'd have to see. 


For those wanting to see the trials against the spaced armour using special rounds, which consisted of a 7inch and 8inch HEAT and HESH shells being fired at it. 



These plates were also produced separate of the Conqueror and were ready and stored in the case of war essentially. The reason why is because of the German reports from the second world war of the spaced armour on the sides kept being ripped off while maneuvering around and also while maintaining the vehicle and other occurrences, Britain decided to keep them separate and only apply them if needed. This was to save money, something Britain didn't have much of in the 50's. 




Obviously the reason these didn't really see the light of day and isn't well known is simply down to the fact the Conqueror never saw combat and also due to its short life span due to the Centurion and Chieftain.


As stated at the start information in this thread will change and be updated with new information gathered. While this is a suggestion thread, it's also a source gathering thread if possible for Gaijin. 


Keep it civil guys.

Edited by Blitzkrieguk
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Open for discussion. :Salute:

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Fully supporting. Might be a competitive Top Tier Heavy against more modern Tanks. Especially if its armed with the L11. 




Thank you for your support. The L11 is something I cannot say if that's true for this particular Conqueror, all I know it was trialed once or twice but that may have been a separate one. However at this stage there is a chance it did have it. 


But at this stage, we'll assume it uses the L1A1 or A2 for now.

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༼ つ ◕_◕༽つ GIB ༼ つ ◕_◕༽つ



Edit: Also when are they going to add the additional armour plates, looks so bad **** with them on, especially that turret. 

Edit 2: reminds me of magneto's helmet from X-men.

Edited by Valkyrian0
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Perhaps not as an upgrade you can grind in game, but as a separate vehicle (I.e. In front of it, as a higher tiered tier 5). Would like it, Gib nao plz.


This suggestion is as a separate vehicle i'll make it clear in my main post.

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i would like to hear ppl give feedback about how the regular version performs ingame first before supporting or naysaying this upgrade, but i think no one has unlocked high end vehicles like that yet

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The question is, should this be a premium (limited production run), or should it be a researchable?


This should obviously be placed before the Chieftain though.

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Much want. 


Would be great to have this, its like the Brit equivalent of russian tier 5, with 2 heavies.


We need 2 heaving...and loads of mediums )))

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The question is, should this be a premium (limited production run), or should it be a researchable?


This should obviously be placed before the Chieftain though.

 well, no tier 5 premiums, so researchable ))

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As far as I know, Conqueror Mk II was equipped with L1 cannon, not L11. Also, those additional spaced armour plates were supposed to be a part of serial production version - so in my understanding, Gaijin should've had put them on the current Conqueror from the very begining, since Britiain would send them off to battle with them on (even if normally they were stored in warehouses, or something).


I think Jingles even had something to say about those additional plates on Conqueror Mk II:

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As far as I know, Conqueror Mk II was equipped with L1 cannon, not L11. 


The L11 was put on for trials that was it as I stated.

If you've checked the bug reports, it's my bug report that's up atm about the incorrect gun on the Conqueror right now since it says L11 and should be L1A1 or A2. 



 Also, those additional spaced armour plates were supposed to be a part of serial production version - so in my understanding, Gaijin should've had put them on the current Conqueror from the very begining, since Britiain would send them off to battle with them on 


Unfortunately it won't happen. So this is why this suggestion and information gathering is occurring because of the possibility this could be another tank after the Conqueror mk II.

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I would rather have this in game.


But if Gaijin turn around and say no. My only other suggestion would be, to unlock the additional armour, as a top tier modification. 

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